S1, Ep 11: War World Part 2

Start from the beginning

Superman: "Where are you taking him?"

Ogre: "Where the weak and defeated always go: The Pit."

Superman: "Don't!"

Ogre: "But if you spare him, he won't rest until he's evened the score."

Superman looks down at Draaga, then back up at the Ogre.

Superman: "You think there's enough room on that garbage ship?"

The Triclops looks up at the Ogre, making a screw-loose gesture.

Triclops: "Definitely stupid."


In the middle of deep space, a small ship is jetting through, which three familiar individuals are crammed in the back.

Green Lantern is on one side, Hawkgirl on the other, and Supernova is squished between them.

Hawkgirl: "Ow! Get off my wing."

Supernova: "And scooch over! I'm being crushed here!"

Green Lantern: "Sorry."

Hawkgirl: "Why do we have to ride in this rustbucket? What's wrong with your ring?"

The blue alien that they were interrogating earlier is piloting the ship. He then looks back at the three heroes in the back.

Blue: "Lady, the galaxy's a big place. I need my Navo-Computer to get to War World."

The blue alien turns his gaze back to the infinite cosmos in front of him, there being only silence for a few moments.

Green Lantern: "He's got a point."

Hawkgirl: "Great. Take his side."

Green Lantern: "I'm not taking sides! I'm just-."

Hawkgirl: "I'm wrong again."

Supernova: "Holy fuck, Shayera! It's not that big of a deal!"

The blue alien turns in his seat, looking back at the three again.

Blue: "Uh, do you three want a little privacy?"

The heroes ignore him and continue to bicker.

Hawkgirl: "What exactly is your problem anyway?"

Green Lantern: "Your attitude, girl! Is everyone on Thanagar as thick-headed as you?"

Supernova snickers, and she and the heroes are too distracted to notice that the blue alien presses a switch, making a glass panel separate himself and the heroes.

Hawkgirl: "Thick-headed!? Why, you self-righteous, green eyed.....ugh!" She holds her head in her hand. "My attitude is just fine, except for when you're involved!"

The blue alien presses another switch, opening the vents in the back, releasing a green gas.

Hawkgirl: "And another thing! Just because you have that fancy ring, that doesn't make you a real-!"

Hawkgirl, along with Green Lantern and Supernova, start coughing violently from the gas.

Supernova is the first to fall unconscious, the gas too much for her lungs.

Green Lantern covers his mouth with his arm and pounds on the glass divider, but it's no use. A couple of seconds later, and he falls unconscious as well.

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