Part 8, The City

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(Quick notes before you read this. 'Puedo ayudarte a encontrar algo hoy' means, 'Can I help you with anything?' In Spanish. 'No gracias, solo navegando.' Is, 'No thank you, just browsing.' In Spanish. I apologize for any grammatical errors made.)

Cosmodia looked at a china vase, its shining material glowing like a dim ember. Nothing compared to anything Hephaestus could make, of course, but still very eye catching.

Her and Ryan were in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Right smack dab in the city. "And what was happening up in the Crestonian crib again?" Ryan asked, eyeing some silver jewelry in a display case.

"Crestonian Empire." Cosmodia corrected, shifting in her uncomfortable...human clothes. "A demon popped up during my coronation, screwed up the whole place with his little gang, and stabbed an angelic spear threw my back, sending me crashing to this...humane hell." She picked up a china pot, tracing her finger along its gold streaks.

"Hm. Any chance the demon fell to this 'humane hell' with you?" Ryan looked over at Cosmodia from where he stood near a shelf full of golden china tea sets. 

"It's probable. Not like I was scanning the sky while I was falling, though." Cosmodia set down the china pot as a male human in a uniform came up to her. "Puedo ayudarte a encontrar algo hoy?" He asked, speaking in Spanish.

"No gracias, solo navegando." Cosmodia responded. The worker went away quickly. "Didn't know you could speak Spanish." Ryan walked over to her.

"I can speak multiple different languages. Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch. A bunch of languages." Cosmodia turned her face to look at Ryan. 

"Oh. Guess I also didn't notice that you have heterochromia." Ryan looked into Cosmodia's eyes, as if searching for something in them. She looked away, hiding hair over her white eye, so only her black eye showed. "Half expected you to think of me as the 'pretty blond main character'." She stroked a finger through her black hair.

Ryan pulled hair away from her face, showing both of her eyes. "They're...cute." He said. Cosmodia pulled away, blushing. "Flattery won't get you anywhere, human." She felt her face flush. 

"Any chance the goddess would like a tour?" Ryan held his hand out to Cosmodia. "Fine." She walked past him, their shoulders bumping together. Oh, Zeus. What was she doing?

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