Part 5, The Fallen Goddess

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"Hrmmm..." Cosmodia turned from her back to her side, aching wings sprawled out. "She's waking up!" A high pitched human sounded. 

Cosmodia opened her eyes. She was laid down on a cold, metal bed. Where? She didn't know. Panic soared through her veins, where was she!? "Hey, wake up." A hand grabbed her by her chin, tilting it upwards to look at a male human. He had brown hair, and a piercing gaze that seemed to stare holes through her. Not gonna lie, he was kind of hot.

She narrowed her eyes and pulled her head away from him, sitting up and swaying on the bed. "Lay back down! You aren't ready to get up yet!" A female human with a strange accent tried to grab Cosmodia's arm but she pushed her away. 

She stood up and spread her wings out, ready to get a running start. "I'm gonna kill that squirrel." She muttered, walking out of the small tent. The humans spread out, as if not wanting to interfer.

Cosmodia flexed her wings and-

She crumpled to the sandy floor within the first five feet. 

"One of you humans did this to me!" She snarled, trying to get up but crumpling to the ground again. She looked over at her white wings, checking for injuries. Only, they weren't white. They were...gray? 

"Ahhh!" She almost snapped her neck looking at her wings. This couldn't be right! Was she seeing this correctly? A female human rushed over but Cosmodia butted her away with a wing. She got up and shook herself, watching a single gray feather fall to the ground. 

One of those pathetic humans did this to her! She knew they had guns and knives. Did they have their own special spears that had like, spells engraved in them? Probably!

"Gah!" Cosmodia fell to the ground as something sharp and small hit her neck. She pulled it out. "Tranquilizer dart." She read in tiny letters on the side. 

Her eyes scanned the clearing, until she saw a male human with white eyes holding a long gun. Cosmodia dropped the dart and shot over, grabbing the human in the speed of light and knocking him over, grabbing the gun and shooting a dart at him. The human fell limp instantly. Who knew humans were so weak?

A female human wearing a dress darted over, but Cosmodia used the gun as a bat and clocked her in the side of the head, knocking her out cold. "Hmph." She looked down at the female human.

Before Cosmodia could react she felt a hard kick to her stomach and the gun being ripped from her hands. She fell to the ground-

Sarah set down the script papers on a table. "Can we please stop with all of this 'falling to the ground'? It hurts." She asked the Director. The other actors murmured agreement. "Fine. She can just be pushed backwards and catch herself with her hands." The Director clapped his hands together.

"Lights...Camera...Action!" The cameraman yelled.

Before Cosmodia could react she felt a hard kick to her stomach and the gun being ripped from her hands. She was pushed backwards, but was able to catch herself with her hands. 

The male human from before that had grabbed her chin pointed the gun at Cosmodia, his amber eyes shining in the rising sun. Cosmodia flapped her wings, holding back a cry of pain. 

She eyed the human. He looked strong, but like that would matter against a goddess. She reached out to grab her crown-

Where was her crown!? That explained why she couldn't fly back up to the Crestonian Empire! Yeah, no she was definitely killing that squirrel. "What's your name?" The human asked. "Cosmodia." She answered.

The human fell backward and dropped the gun, his hands shaking. "Oh, don't look so surprised. Where'd you think the wings were from?" Cosmodia got up from where she crouched, standing up and walking to the human. "Now you will tell me where you found me, and help me get back to the Crestonian Empire." She bent down in front of him until their faces were inches apart.

Thunder sounded in the distance. Perfect timing. The human swallowed and nodded. Step one complete. Step two? She was still thinking.

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