Chapter 5

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Jack woke up early that morning at what felt like 4 AM, but in reality it was probably 7:30 AM. After a long battle to get out of bed, he got dressed and left to go to the Playhouse to see if his friends were up to anything. He left and started his short journey to the other side of Playcare to go to the Playhouse.

Jack entered and looked around, it kinda looked dimmer than usual. Jack crawled through the pipe tunnels and found himself back in the room with the VHS, except the VHS was missing, "Strange." Jack thought. He decided to go back to Home Sweet Home to look for his friends there, "Maybe they're still asleep."


It was about 10:59 AM when Jack finally found Hallie. She was roaming around the monument in the center of Playcare. "Hallie!" Jack called out to her. "Oh, hey Jack!" She responded. "I was looking everywhere for you and everyone else, looks like I found you first! So, wanna play a game?" "Sure. What game?" "Hmm."

Jack was pondering for a few seconds until a loud sound played on the speaker system, it was an emergency alert.

"The following message is for all Playtime Company employees. At 11:01 AM, Eastern Standard Time, an unknown hostile force was declared present within the facility. Personnel are to begin enacting emergency evacuation protocols immediately."

Jack and Hallie were thinking of what to do while the alert continued playing, and eventually decided to make a run for it to the cable cart, Hallie tripped once while running up the stairs, but they eventually made it to the cart and saw Elijah, Layton, Caleb, Cameron, Ashton, Travis, and Mia running up the steps. They all made it into the cart and it departed upwards, into the Playtime Company facility.


Once the cable cart reached the end, they were in a different area of the facility. It looked like the place was made of a dark gray concrete. On the left and right was a small red lever, probably to make the cable cart work. Right outside the cable cart were several posters of Playtime Co. toys encouraging things and a cardboard cut-out of a Smiling Critter, it was Kickin' Chicken. Travis and Mia were the only ones amongst them who knew where to go because they have been out here before.

They went down light gray concrete stairs with smooth blue plastic handlebars, Jack and his friends followed. Once they got to the bottom, there was a big silver statue of Huggy Wuggy standing upright with his hands on his hips right against the base of the stairs and the train facing the way to the Game Station. They all got in where the conductor piloted the train and they put in a secret code to turn on the train and left to the Game Station.


Once they arrived at the Game Station, they all got out and started running for the exit. Right in front of them they saw Mommy Long Legs smack someone into the ground hard, leaving a big bloody puddle where his head was. She then grabbed three other people, dragged them onto the ceiling with her, then dropped them. They all hit the ground with a gory crunch.

Once she killed the people, she noticed Jack and his friends. They all fled in different directions, hoping she wouldn't catch them. Jack ran to the other side of the train and through a yellow door, there was a small room with a poster and the end of a slide on the opposite side of where the door was. He sat down and peeked through the door to make sure it was safe before he made a run for it.

Once he peeked through the door he immediately saw Mommy Long Legs chase Mia down into Musical Memory. Elijah, Celeb, Cameron, and Layton ran to the left playground and decided to hide in the tubes, Hallie and Ashton did the same but on the right playground. Travis ran down into Whack-a-Wuggy.

After about 30 seconds, Jack ran back out of the room and ran for the gate at the end of the giant room. He guessed his friends saw him and they got out of their hiding spots too to follow him there. Once they made it through the gate, on the left wall of the new room they were in had a big picture of all the toys Playtime Co. had made and they were smiling, Mommy Long Legs was holding a big sign saying 'Playtime Co.'. Next to the gate on the left was a big silver lever, probably to operate the gate.

After they entered the room, they heard somebody calling them, it was Mia being chased by Mommy Long Legs, Mia was limping. They tried to keep the door open as long as they could before Travis pulled the lever, causing it to slowly close. At the last second, Mia slid through the bottom of the gate and Mommy Long Legs crashed into the door on the other side as it fully closed.

"Damn, she almost made it in here." Travis said, everybody else agreed. They all then started to jog down a hall when they noticed something, Travis had a grabpack.

They entered a new room and saw five blue slides against the wall, above them contained names like Elliot Ludwig, Stella Greyber, Leith Pierre, and (add later), the fifth one's letters were all scrambled on the ground. There was a power room to the right and a hallway to the left, so they all went down the hallway.

After walking for several minutes, they were on catwalks in an enormous room that seemed to stretch up and down for eternity. "How big is this place?!" Layton asked Travis. "I don't even know the answer to that. But my goal right now is to get all of us grabpacks." Travis stated, then Layton nodded. Then they all suddenly heard heavy footsteps behind them.

They turned around and saw a yellow mini Huggy running towards them. They all started running and Travis stayed behind by a meter or two, shooting the grabpack's hands at the mini Huggy, trying to knock it off the catwalk.

Two more mini Huggy's, one red and the other green, became visible, joining the first one. "Dammit." Travis said under his breath, then started running more than firing the hands at them.

After a long time of running, everyone jumped off the catwalk and grabbed onto the cords that held a nearby one. After everybody jumped and made it to a nearby catwalk, Hallie was caught by the green mini Huggy. She screamed and threw her body around, trying to free herself.

Then the catwalk's cables broke and collapsed, dropping all four of them. The red and yellow mini Huggy fell into the abyss, Hallie and the green Huggy fell onto the catwalk everybody else got on. Then Hallie let out a loud, ear-piercing scream.

Words: 1156

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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