𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 - 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒆, 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒆..

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Can something be worse then hell?

Well, Yeah. Your merciless dad coming to help you with training and having to be put on a fucking schedule.

One thing Theorore Ōkami didn't do? Schedules! They didn't fuck with that bullshit! But their dad was all for it.. So, Before they knew it, they were awake at five am before school every morning after getting eight hours exactly of sleep, their body ached. This was the seventh month of doing this and it was great to have their dad around but..

He didn't believe in breaks and it pissed them off. They were currently doing pull ups to build upper body strength while trying to keep track of a moving target. He'd taken less of a work load on, So they had more time together. But Theodore missed their precious unproductive relaxing. They felt a flick to their forehead while their dad stared at them in annoyance.

"Do you want to get to UA?"

"Yes sir."

"Are you going to beat those kids into the dirt?"

"Yes sir."

"I can't hear you!"

"I'm going to annihilate the competition!" They yell, Their eyes shining with excitement. They wanted to make their dad proud, He'd put a useless quirk to work, So they could too.. Right? He mostly got as high as a side kick could by his body strength and sense of fighting alone.

Their dad gave them a nod and went back to explaining their new schedule. Every day was different, So much that it wasn't really a routine. More a requirement. They only made healthy food to eat every night and only slept 8+ plus. While their dad couldn't be around to help them, They'd work out twice as hard in hopes that they'd be just as strong as him.

They were currently boxing, Their fists bare. This was starting to hurt them, The wraps scratching against their skin. They called a time out and took a drink of water. After this, Their dad was going to allow them to have something sugary and not sweet, Although they would have only a fifteen minute break unlike the thirty five he'd have after a normal meal.

This was starting to get tiring. But every time they doubted themselves, They remembered that their dad got into UA too. So, They'd have to do it too. No matter what. They had to live up to him.. Surpass him. Prove that they weren't some weak kid that he had to protect.

They grip the grass while doing push ups. It was 7:46PM on August 17th. Their eyes felt like the weights they'd have to lift in about five minutes. All of this along with the school work was pressing into their skull like a cold screw. It was always there.

They try and fail to not fall on their face, They do so with a loud grunt. Their father rushes over and pulls them from the ground by the back of their shirt, Lifting them off the ground like they weighed less then a grape.

"Kid, Wake up."

Theo looked at him, Dizzy. They felt a harsh slap come to their face which made them wince and their tired gaze turn into a cold glare.

"Let's practice your quirk."

That wakes them up. Their father had pushed away the idea of them using their quirk because of the dangerous parts of it. Their quirk would literally turn you into nothing but a carved out potato, which inside's had been shoved into the blender then shoved back into the potato. So.. Dangerous.

Since the girl was almost killed, No one really wanted them to practice tears quirk. When kids were practicing their quirks outside and showing them off, The teacher would take Theodore inside and lock the door. Just so the quirk wouldn't get so out of control that someone was hurt.

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