Chapter 1: Preparations

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   This is it. The Fated Aptitude Test day. My mother helped me get ready; she picked out my dress and put my hair into a high ponytail and did my makeup. It wasn't like I was going to be a Fated, but girls get dressed up even for the test. My mother said she had gone through this when it was the current prince's father's Fated; she was 17 while he was 19. She never did pass the test, though, but she did meet my father when he was helping out with the test.

"Don't be nervous," she would soothe me, "it was easy enough whenever I took it. You're smarter and far more talented than me; you could even pass this test and become a Fated."

The thing was I did not want to be a Fated. Sure, it could help my family just by being in the competition, but I was not planning on charming the prince. I hardly believed I would even pass the test; after all I was a Five. Hardly educated, still smarter than most Fives, though, too busy to be perfectly fit, and the only talents I had were playing certain instruments and singing and art. Prince Brendan most likely didn't care about any of the people below a Four.

My brother was lucky he would never have to take this, all the males were. One of my sisters was too old to take it, just by a year, while the other was too young by one year. Great, I was the only one that had to take this test.

"You are so lucky to be able to do this," my younger sister, Rosabelle, complained. "I mean, you might be able to meet the Prince Brendan. I wish I was fifteen."

I chuckled at what she said. "I doubt I'll even pass the test, Rosie. And what is so great about the Prince Brendan?" I mimicked, chuckling at her expression from my comment.

"It's Prince Brendan! He's every girl's image of a perfect husband, rich, famous, terribly gorgeous, and super-gorgeous!" Rosie huffed, crossing her arms.

"Did you mention that he was gorgeous?" I asked, making fun of her. "What about his personality, I bet it is very obnoxious and he's just enjoying his riches, not a care in the world," I sighed. I never watched the television, but it was how most wealthy citizens acted. The Twos and Threes in our area were usually like that.

"That is not true! You never watch t.v. so you don't know what he's like. He is a very charming and kind guy."

"Okay, whatever, I am apparently not going to change your mind," I rolled my eyes at her child-like attitude over some silly guy. My brother was sitting on a coach in the room I was currently in and started laughing. I gave him a questioning look when he spoke.

"It looks like the only girl that's not a fan of Sir Prince is the one that is going to take the test."

"Whatever," I slapped him on the top of his head. "At least I am not going become a Fated. I just have to take the test then carry on with life, nothing to it."

That was whenever Rosie decided to invade the conversation, "No, no, no, you have to become a Fated and marry the prince! Then I can become related to the royals and-"

"Oh, it has always been a dream of mine to be related to the spoiled family!" Jackson interrupted Rosie, clasping his hands together in mock excitement. At least someone could agree that he was spoiled. But he was wrong about the whole family being rotten.

I decided to stick up for them saying, "The prince may be spoiled, but King William is a good man, along with his wife, Elizabeth. They know how to run the country." When Jackson did not respond, I made my way the my bedroom.

I walked to my room where my mother was waiting to get me prepared. She smiled with her kind eyes whenever I entered. My mother was truly beautiful; always a kind smile on her face, no matter the situation, brown shoulder-length hair that was forming gray strands, and blue eyes losing their color from age, but she never failed to appear happy. She was also very petite, almost all the fives were, and a medium height. I did not take her looks, I had my father's, but my personality matched hers. The only difference was that she was a romantic, much like my younger sister.

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