Where Is He?

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requested by wood_owl

"It'll just be a few months, I promise."

Y/n took Varian's gloved hands in hers and gave him a reassuring look. "We're just going to analyze some ruins. My parents will get the samples, we'll date them, and we'll be back before you can say alchemy."

Varian grinned. "Wow, you're dating people other than me? I'm hurt."

Y/n snorted. "Yes, Varian, I'm cheating on you with rocks."

He let out a fake gasp and let go of her hands, putting one to his head like he was about to faint. "I can't believe this. One year together and you're already leaving me for ancient ruins."

"Var, they could never measure up. Not even the Saporian ones."

"Aw." he replied, although his expression went nervous again a moment later. "You'll be careful, right? You'll stay safe?"

"Of course." she confirmed. "Always am. You just do the same, alright? Don't destroy Old Corona while I'm gone."

"Y/n!" her mother called. Y/n turned to see her parents waiting with their tool bags by their horses, beckoning her over.

She turned and leaned over to wrap Varian in one last hug. "It's just a few months. I'll miss you."

"Miss you too." he responded, the sound muffled by his face buried in her hair.

Y/n pulled away and began to walk to her parents. "See you in a few months, Var! Let me know how things go with the princess!"

"I will!" he called back, and Y/n mounted her horse to leave as Varian went back into his house- to his lab, no doubt. If he wasn't with her, that's where he could usually be found.

Y/n and Varian had been dating for about a year now, and things were perfect. Varian was sweet, if a little chaotic, and Y/n loved to listen to him talk about his science or help him with his experiments.

Her mother was a geologist, and her father was an archeologist, so she had grown up with a pretty impressive knowledge of history and ancient civilizations. Y/n's parents had been planning this trip for a while.

They were going to be gone for three months, traveling outside of Corona's borders to study ancient ruins- specifically Saporian, her father's specialty.

She was excited for the trip, but it was going to be hard to be away from Varian for so long. They hadn't been separated for more than a week since they had made it official, and Y/n was a little bit worried about him. She loved Varian, but he could get a little mopey when she or his dad wasn't around.

Still, she was sure he'd be fine.

What's the worst that could happen?

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Three months later, Y/n's parents, upon discovering a particularly fascinating Saporian ruin, had decided that they would stay in the area a few weeks longer for further study.

They gave Y/n permission, though, to make the journey back on her own and stay with Quirin and Varian until they returned.

After about a week of traveling on horseback, she was finally almost home.

Her horse's hooves pressed the thick grass underneath it as Y/n saw the Corona wall come into view. There was a gate she could use a few miles down the way, but just as she was about to reroute, she saw something... strange.

There was a hole in the wall. Not a small one, either- the wall was almost entirely torn down for several dozen yards.

And were those... rocks?

Shall We Get Started? {Varian x Reader Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now