Chapter 25

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Sorry yall...

Testing bout to come for school and I been doing my other book.

But anyway enjoy!

October 7th 2023



Monique drove along the traffic-packed highway as she hummed to her playlist.

She had just helped her cousin with one of her bookings. She appreciated the money but sometimes the kids could be a little annoying. But most times they were all right.

Monique's music interrupted as her phone notified her that she was getting a call from her mother.

"Hey Ma." Monique said as she greeted her mother

"Hey baby. Whatchu doing right now? You busy?" Her mother asked

"No. Just driving home. How you and Keem?" Monique asked about her other cousin, Jah'Keem and her mother

"Oh that's what I wanted to tell you about. That boy done got offers from FAU and Duke. Can you believe it?" Her mother said excitedly

"Dang already? Didn't school just start?" Monique asked

"Yeah, but it's mostly from last year. He wanted to tell you himself, so act surprised when we head up there." Her mother said

"When yall coming?" Monique asked

"Oh for his birthday. You're not busy right? And I can meet your girlfriend." Her mother said

"Oh yeah. I can't wait for you to meet her Ma. She's just... I'on know I can't even explain it forreal." Monique said with a smile on her face

"I'm so happy you found love Monique really. I can't wait to meet her too. Well lemme let you go fore you crash or sumn'." Her mother said

"Ma, why would say it like that?" Monique said

"You never know girl. You get distracted and you crash." Her mother said

"Don't jinx it Ma. I'll see you Wednesday." Monique said

"Bye baby." Her mother said before she hung up

Since they were just talking about Renée, Monique wanted to call her, just to talk to her.

"How you doing mama?" Monique said after Renée picked up the phone

"Hey Moni. I miss you." Renée said

"You ok? You sound tired?" Monique said

"I'm good. I just be so tired after my hair appointments. How bout you? How was your day?" Renée asked

"It was good. I helped my cousin out with a kid's party. They weren't too crazy for me." Monique said

"I get that. Some kids be hyper like they done ate 2 bags full of candy." Renée said

"Where you at right now?" Renée asked

"I'm driving. The party just ended but it was a lil while away." Monique said

"You coming over?" Renée asked

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