Chapter 3

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August 5th 2023

After a long week, Renèe was ready to go to another party before the school year started. She had gotten all her books this past week so she could be prepared for the school year.

Renèe was heading over to her friend, Ashanti's, apartment to ask the girl if she
wanted to go to a party with her.

The girl didn't usually go to parties back to back, but it was the last week before her classes started. Once her classes started she wouldn't have as much time to go out, so she was taking the opportunity while she had.

She also was hoping to see a certain someone. She wanted to see Monique, the girl she met last week again. She was able to help Monique get her mind of of Zion, who had been pissing her off lately.

She thought about the younger girl throughout the week, trying to think of what would be the most likely place she'd see her at again. She chose a party because she liked parties and she needed to get her friend out of the house.

She convinced herself that's why she was asking Ashanti out, thinking going to a party to see a girl she just met was kinda weird, coming up with an excuse.

When Renèe entered the girl's apartment she asked her and thankfully she agreed, although reluctantly.

The girls got ready and left the apartment at around 8:30pm, driving off to the party.


The party

The girls entered the building fashionably late.

Ashanti asked if they could sit down for a while.

Renèe agreed knowing her friend wasn't really a social person.

The two girls sat and talked, joked around and sang along to the music playing through the speakers.

Renèe stood up, informing her friend that she was going to get drinks and socialize, reminding her she could call her if she needed to leave.

Renèe walked to the bar, ordering herself a drink, hearing someone speak to her.

"Hey, Renèe." Monique said, causing Renèe to smile recognizing the voice

"Hi, Monique." Renèe said turning her body towards the girl, smiling

"I see you go to parties a lot. This the second time we ran into to each other." Monique said, while smiling

"I feel like you was lookin' for me." Monique said teasing the older girl

"Nah. But I'm glad I get to see you again." Renèe said partially lying

She knew she was hoping the girl would show up.

"Me too. You ain't here wit yo nigga tonight? I don't want our conversation getting interrupted again." Monique asked, wanting to talk to the girl more

"Nah. I came wit my friend. We'll be fine." Renèe responded

"Ok, tell me more bout you. I wanna get ta know you."

"I'm majoring in design. I'm in my 2nd year. I can speak a lil Spanish. One of my friends is Venezuelan. Uh, I love music. I can't live without listening to at least 30mins a music a day." Renèe said telling the girl about herself

"I'm majoring in culinary arts. Same about music too. It's like an art piece of my emotions and thoughts." Monique said, agreeing with the older girl

"Anyway, you said you speak a lil Spanish? Tell me sumn' in Spanish." Monique asked the girl

"Eres tan bella. Quiero ser amiga tuyo." Renèe said smiling at the girl

(You're so beautiful. I wanna be friends with you.)

"I'on know what you said, I only picked up on amiga, but that sounded sexy as fuck. I love when people speak Spanish. Shit be rollin' of they tounge." Monique said, making the girl blush

"I'll tell you one day." Renèe said

"So you from Florida?" Monique asked

"Yeah, I was born here, in Miami." The girl said

"I was born here too, in Jacksonville. That's where me and my friend moved from." Monique said

"Yeah, my friend from there too." Renèe said

"Spraking of my friend, lemme go check on her. I'll be back." Renèe said

"Ok." Monique said before Renèe walked off

Renèe walked back to where the girl was seated, but didn't see her there. She walked around looking for her. She found her talking to someone near the bathroom. She looked fine and she didn't want to intrude on their conversation, so Renèe turned around making her way back to the bar.

"She's good. She's talking to someone surprisingly." Renèe said to Monique as she sat back down

"Lemme guess, you're the social friend?" Monique asked

"Yeah, she doesn't go out much." She said

"I can tell. You're a nice person. But you was shy when we first met. How come?" Monique asked curiously

"Oh, uh. I sometimes get nervous when meeting new people." The girl said lying

"Yeah, I could tell. You couldn't even look at me." Monique said laughing, teasing the girl

"Hey, you was complimenting me left n right. I'm not used to it." Renèe said getting embarrassed

"How come? You really pretty. You gotta get complimented a lot." Monique said, seeing the girl look down after she said that

"You doin' it again. Stop!" Renèe said, turning away, feeling her face get hot

"Sorry, I'm fuckin' wit you." Monique said laughing at the girl

"But you know you pretty right?" Monique asked once she stopped laughing

Renèe nodded in response.

"I ain't hear you." Monique said, teasing the girl again

"Yeah. I know." Renèe mumbled

"Aight, I'll stop." Monique said smiling at the girl

"Unfortunately, I gotta leave soon. I think my friend almost ready to leave. But can I get yo number?" Monique said standing up

"Sure." Renèe said handing the girl her phone

"Aight. Thank you. Bye, pretty girl." Monique said before she started walking, smiling at the girl, knowing how she would react

"Bye." Renèe said watching the girl walk off

Renèe turned her head back toward her and Ashanti's seat, seeing if the girl had returned.

She didn't see the girl, so she decided to let the girl find her when she was ready.

She went back into her own thoughts, smiling to herself, happy she got the girl's number.

To be continued...

Hope yall enjoyed!!

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