Chapter 15

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A/N First off I would like to thank you guys for 1.74 K reads. You truly are the best!

This is the same day of the hogsmead trip.

Peter's P.O.V

I scurry down the deserted hall. If I'm late, I'll be in so much trouble. I feel terrible for betraying my friends, but these guys can protect me far better than they can.

I enter an empty class room and jump as I hear a voice. "Sit." It says. and purely out of fear I do.

"We need a favor from you wormtail." the voice says.

I gulp and nod. "A-Anything-thing!" I squeak.

"Your friends with Potter right?"

I nod. "ye-yes!"

"I need to know all you know about him. Including his family." The speaker comes out f the shadows and I cringe. I've never liked Avery. But he's a death eater. He can protect me. well not him, but his master the dark lord can.

I nod quickly.

"That's all." Avery sneers. "Go."

I jump up quickly and run out of the room, tripping a few times.

I run all the way up to my common room and check my watch. I have about ten minutes until they come back. I grab my bag, jump on my bed, and pull out some books, quills, ink, and parchment to make it look like I was studying when I got back from 'detention'. Eleven minutes later, Sirius. Lupin, and James all walk through the door talking and laughing.

"Oh wormy! How was detention?" James asks.

I sigh. "B-boring!"

"It always is with out ME!" Sirius says, and we all laugh. Mines more of a nervous laugh. All I'm focusing on right now is what I know on James, and what I need to know. that's what I'm really writing down. Just so I can give it to Avery. Man that guy gives me the creeps.

Lily's P.O.V (Monday)

School starts up again today. I wish the weekend never ended but I guess school has to happen right? Uhg.

I get up, take a shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed. Tye girls and I all walk to breakfast together and sit down at the end of the table. Three minutes later the boys join us. Peter seems really fidgety but he usually is. I just don't like the way his eyes are darting around, that's what's different. I dismiss it though and start eating.

~~~~time skip~~~~

Our first class today is Herbology. I admit it's not my favorite, but I know that Alice loves it. So I usually partner up with her.

One boring lesson later we head to DADA where we are doing a recap on what we learned. I think out professor is just being lazy cause he didn't even choose, the class chose bogarts because not all of us got to try it out.

James, being James goes first.

The bogart is let out of the closest And turns into a dead Sirius. I gasp, I never thought that that would be his fear.

James stares at it for a second and then POP it turns into a dead Remus. A lot of us stumble back at this. No one thought that this would happen. Probably not even James.

Another second goes by and POP dead Peter. POP dead Mrs. Potter. POP dead Mr. Potter. I thought that would be the last one, but then I hear one more POP and laying right in front of me is, me. I step back and trip over my own feet staring at the dead me. Its strange to see something that looks exactly like you die, and it isn't you.

James takes three steps back and shakes his head. I think I hear him suck in a breath as if trying to hold back sobs. That's when the Professor jumps in front of James and yells "RIDIKULOUS" ((tell me if I spelled it wrong))

Our teacher whispers something to Sirius and he walks over to James putting an arm around his shoulder and walking him out of the class.

Everyone is too shocked to even move. The teacher lets us just stay quite for a few minutes until the bell rings. And when it does, Jessica and Alice both have to help me get up while Rachel packs up my things.

I knew James cared about me, I just never knew how much until now.


I know, sorry about the short chapter! But I did put in a bit of class and I never do! Should I do James P.O.V on that in the next chapter? Idk if I should.

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