17: Ma City

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Maybe it was due to the fact that their bodies were already so used to waking up early or maybe it was due to the excitement they all had. Whatever it was, majority of them were awake at 7am.

Jin and Yoongi wasted no time in heading to the kitchen, Yoo-rim coming along with them although they told her to go back to sleep. They fooled around in the kitchen a bit before they decided to make whatever came to mind. In the living room, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook were sleeping in while Jimin and Hoseok went in to brush their teeth and maybe shower.

They hadn't planned on cooking so much but as they set the table, the trio couldn't stop themselves from laughing; they had gone all out. What should have been a small meal ended up being a combination of dishes; egg rolls (gyeranmari), rice, kimchi, a bowl of soybean stew and salted fish (courtesy of Yoo-rim) and somehow, Jin had ended up making Korean street toast which also had everything to do with Yoo-rim as she was the little witch that wouldn't stop whispering in his ear.

Yoongi made coffee while Jin made hot chocolate for Yoo-rim and Taehyung. Yoo-rim, on the other hand, proceeded to wake up the three men still fast asleep, a pillow tightly held by Taehyung.

She woke Jungkook first, groaning as she had to pull him up to a sitting position just so he could keep his eyes open. Taehyung was tricky but she succeeded in waking him up. He pouted as she pulled his pillows away, causing her to laugh and say "Come on, oppa, it's time to get up."

The both of them –Taehyung and Jungkook – were on their feet once Yoongi told them that breakfast was ready. Waking up Namjoon was pretty easy. He lay on his back and so she knelt by his head and leaned in to peck his lips, his eyes opening as she pulled back with a small smile on her face.

His sleepy face was one she loved each time she saw it. "Good morning."

Namjoon sleepily smiled back, feeling nothing short of blessed with her face as the first thing he was waking up to. "Good morning."

"You might wanna get up now. Breakfast's ready."

He sat up, stretching. "You're up early."

"Yeah, I couldn't help it."

"Did you sleep well?"

She nodded. "I did. Did you?"

He leaned in to kiss her softly yet briefly before replying. "I sure did."

They all joined hands in clearing up the living room and moving the furniture back. The men moved the furniture actually. Yoo-rim gladly sat and watched. They brushed their teeth and majorly splashed water on their faces before making their way back to the dining table.

Yoo-rim picked up her mug of hot chocolate, a small pout on her face as she watched the others – except Taehyung – sip their coffees. "I didn't think Yoongi oppa's coffee would look this good"

"You're not drinking caffeine this morning, sweetheart." Jin said, occupying the seat on her left as Namjoon was on her right. "We're doing our best to cut down on that, remember?"

"I haven't had coffee in nearly a week!"

"Another day of not having coffee won't kill you." Yoongi said, pushing a bowl of rice towards her. He cracked a small smile as she warily eyed the bowl. "You know the drill, Yoo-rim."

She nodded with a dramatic sigh. "Yes, I do."

They mostly watched her eat, Hoseok stating that it made them feel full because she ate well and appreciated everything. Although Jin wasn't saying it, everyone knew he and Yoongi hated that she had lost a bit of weight with everything that had been happening, and they were all determined to have her gain it back.

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