Chapter One

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Olivia stopped at a gas station on her way to Thomas’ house and filled up her car and bought a candy bar and a soda for herself. After she paid, she continued her journey to Thomas’ house. When she got there, she knocked on the door.
“That’s odd,” She said to herself. She tried to look in the windows, but they were all covered by curtains. She opened the rolling garage door, which she knew would be unlocked, and saw his car. She walked into the garage, up to the door that led into the house, and tried the door knob. It opened, and she went inside. Once inside, she looked around for any sign of Thomas, but found none. She searched the entire house, and found no traces of him being there recently. She tried calling him, and when she did, she heard his phone in the living room. She went out to the living room to investigate, and found his phone under the couch, cracked and badly damaged. After finding this, she immediately called law enforcement and reported that she thinks her friends had been kidnapped or hurt. Law enforcement promptly responded, and within 15 minutes, there were two deputies and a state patrol corporal at the residence. As soon as they got there, they made sure it was a prank, and went inside to see if there was anyone in there. After confirming there was in fact nobody in the house, they came back out and started to question Olivia.
“When was the last time you saw Mr. Berkeley?” the state patrol corporal questioned
“About two days ago, he came to visit me,” she answered with a shaky voice.
“Did he seem scared or worried at all?” the corporal asked.
“No, he seemed normal, calm, and collected,” she replied.
“Do you know of any enemies he may have?” the corporal inquired.
“Not really, he was a very nice man, nearly everyone liked him,” she responded.
“Any ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, anything at all like that?” the corporal asked
“No, the only person he ever dated or married was his ex wife Madison, but she passed away,” she explained.
“Anybody at all that you could think of that would want to hurt Mr. Berkley?” the corporal interrogated
“Not that I can think of, no. I’m so sorry for not being a very big help,” she apologized.
“It’s alright, miss. Can I have your name, phone number, and address for the record please?” the corporal asked politely.
“Yes, my name is Olivia Marion, my phone number is (320) 405-9981, and my home address is 321 North Swift Avenue, Litchfield, Minnesota,” she answered.
“Do you have any sort of ID on you to prove that? Drivers license, state identification card, anything of the sort?” The corporal asked.
“Yes, I do. Would you like to see it?” Olivia asked, reaching into her back pocket for her wallet for her drivers license.
“That’d be great,” the corporal replied, taking the license and inspecting it closely.
“Everything seems to be in order, here’s your license back.” The corporal stated, handing Olivia her drivers license back.
“Thank you Corporal,” she replied, taking her license back and placing it into her wallet.
“Alright, please leave the premises now.” The corporal said.
“Okay, stay safe,” Olivia answered.
“You too!” the corporal replied quickly before Olivia started to walk away. Olivia walked back to her car and got in. After making sure everything around her was clear, she pulled away and headed home. Once she was at home, she took a seat on her couch and watched some television. A few hours later, she decided to take a shower. While in the shower, she got a phone call. She listened to the voicemail that the caller had left with interest. It was the state patrol corporal, and he said that he had news about Thomas. She immediately called him back, when he answered he sounded upset, and cautious with his words.. It was that moment that she knew something was wrong.
“What happened? Did you find Tommy?” she asked
“Are you home Ms. Marion? I’m on my way to your house right now.” The corporal replied
“Yes, I am. Will you tell me why you’re coming?” She questioned.
“I have news to tell you, but I would rather tell you in person,” he answered.
“Oh, okay. I’ll see you when you get here,” she said quietly. Around 15 minutes later Corporal Foss arrived at the house. He pulled up in his department issued 2020 Dodge Charger PPV. He stepped out of the car onto the cold, icy ground, and headed towards the door of Olivia’s Home. As he approached the door, he took his hat off of his head and held it to his chest. Before he got a chance to knock, Olivia opened the door with a worried look on her face.
“So?! What’s the news?” She asked, pain and fear in her voice.
“I’m sorry Ms. Marion.. Mr. Berkley passed away. I can’t give you any details, as it’s an ongoing investigation. Once the investigation is closed, you can get a copy of the incident report, alright?” Corporal Foss questioned.

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