"Hello girls. How much time. You have grown up.” Bee teases, like any adult would.

"Mother. I'm going to class." The little girl warns her mother.

"Clear. Go ahead."

“We also have to go. See you later, Aunt Bee.” The two sisters ask for permission.

“Study hard, kids.”

“Of course.”

When the three girls go to their rooms, Bee calls someone who was waiting for her call.

“Hello, Aor? Ah… Yes. I just left my daughter. I also met Alpha and Ongsa. Where are you…? Right, right. I'll be there soon. Order me a drink. The usual… Ahem, yes. I’ll hang up.” She says and ends the call before heading to the agreed location.


“I’m hereyyyyyy.”

“It’s late.”

“Late? I came as quickly as I could. Stop complaining."

“Okay, okay, I’ll stop complaining. So, what about the long weekend? Has your family planned anything? Will we have a group trip like last year?”

“I'm fine with that. We just won't stray too far from Bangkok this time. Last year, my husband kept complaining about back pain from driving for so long.”

“I’ll ask the others first.”

The two housewives enjoy the conversation, as they only meet once in a while.

An hour after the two housewives drink coffee and talk, a couple of teenagers enter the coffee shop and sit at a table in the corner, in a narrow space near them. It would be okay if…

“Children these days are hopeless.” Aor looks away.

… Teenagers start making out without caring that this is a public space.

“Ugh, my goodness. What is that? Aren’t they ashamed?” Bee looks at them and can't stand it.

“If my children behaved like this, I would have to take sedatives three times a day after meals.” Aor says. She has two daughters. Seeing these children, she can't help but think about Alpha and Ongsa.

"So it is. I'm also worried about Bing. She's in eighth grade now, becoming a woman. Good thing she doesn't have a boyfriend. Honestly, I would prefer my daughter to date girls like Aom and Ongsa to alleviate my worries about things like this.”

"What did you say…? Is Ongsa dating a girl?” Her friend's skeptical expression, look and voice made Bee realize that she said something she shouldn't have.

“Tell me right now. How did you find out that my daughter is dating a girl? Did your daughter tell you?”

"No no. It's not that. I…"

“Tell me, Bee!!” With this firm command, Bee doesn't know how to divert the topic and reveals the truth to her friend.

The thing is, as her daughter's Facebook friend, Bee stumbled across a photo of a page that Bing follows. It was a photo of Ongsa. Bee clicked it, read the caption and discovered that it was a page that showed the beauties at her daughter's school. The post stated that Ongsa recently announced his relationship with another beautiful girl in the photo. Bee wasn't shocked, living in an era where such things are acceptable. Even though the girl in the photo was someone close, she was not surprised as she remembered that Ongsa's cousin was also dating a girl. Bee thought her family would be able to accept this. However, as soon as she told her friend everything, she realized she was wrong!

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