Chapter - 04

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It’s nice not to knowing you

It takes her a while to compose herself and calm her heart. A shy girl looks and smiles at another girl's message. Ongsa reads that short text hundreds of times and takes a screenshot.

She contemplates for a while how she will respond to Sun. The first thing her brain tells her to type is…

'Did you miss me?'

Who would send this? Ongsa thinks.


"Fuck! Holy crap!! Alpha!! Don't do that. You scared me. Why don’t you knock before you enter someone’s room?”

"What the hell? Do I need to knock on my sister's bedroom door? So… I heard that you found your phone number.”

"Yes I found it. I dropped it in the car.”

“As expected of you. Always silly. Good thing you dropped it in the car. If it were somewhere else, you would have to use the Samsung Hero for the entire semester. Hey… lend me your watercolors. I need Mr. Kanchit for my homework.”

“It’s in the box next to the bed.” Ongsa points out the location.

Alpha leaves after getting what she wanted. Ongsa bends down to pick up her phone and continue scrolling.

SUN_SUN: Won't you wish me good night again?

Did you miss me? :- O -


Ongsa has no idea if she sent it accidentally because his cell phone hit the table or if it was his past sin that made the message he never imagined sending appear as 'READ'.

“What do I do?” Ongsa is embarrassed. She was never brave enough to talk to Sun. What will Sun think because she responded to his message like that?

I'm kidding :– O –

I lost my cell phone :– O –

I had a physical education test the other day :– O –

I was exhausted and ended up sleeping on the way home :– O –

I didn't know when I dropped my cell phone :– O –

My dad lent me a Samsung Hero :– O –

So I couldn't use LINE :– O –

I just found my cell phone :– O –

And I saw your message :– O –

I wrote that as a joke :– O –

And I sent it by accident :– O –

I didn't want to do that :– O –

I hope you do not mind? :- O -

Ongsa stares anxiously at the screen. Shortly after sending those messages, the application shows that Sun has read them. Ongsa almost holds his breath as he waits for the answer.

I hope you do not mind? :- O -


Like. A word.

Ongsa waits a minute in case Sun sends more messages.

But not. Just absolute silence.

“What were you waiting for, Ongsa?” She mutters before responding.

I hope you do not mind? :- O -


Okey :– O –

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