
…Nobody wants other people to be close to their significant others…

Right. Nobody wants that, least of all Sun. Sun used to talk to a hot and equally popular guy at school. The result was that she wasn't the only one he was talking to.

A popular, public figure probably speaks to millions of people.

This made Sun close his heart and refuse to talk to anyone seriously. That was until she met Ongsa, the strange person who said goodnight to her every day until he piqued her interest. At first, Sun thought that dating a normal person like Ongsa would be great. She wouldn't go through the same problem again. Ongsa was shy and no one paid much attention to her.

But what the hell is this current situation?!!

People suddenly became interested in Ongsa. Even posting her and Ongsa's couple photo on the student council page mentioned Ongsa more than her. Not to mention the 'Cute Boys and Girls at School' page. Why do they keep posting about Ongsa? Ongsa was also guilty. Why did she suddenly lose weight and cut her hair? People are flirting with her now because she looks pretty and Sun can't help it.


During the last week before Sports Day, students are busy doing their best in preparing each team. The student council and Sports Day committee are busier than anyone. They barely managed to study all week.

“Shan, let’s try on the dress.” Students participating in the student council parade are called one by one into the dressing room. Ongsa restlessly waits for her turn. In her seventeen years of life, she had never dressed like this. It's no surprise she's nervous.

“Ongsa, come in.”

“What did Tinh’s friend do? She wasn’t this pretty before.”

“Ongsa? I don’t know, but she actually looks prettier.”

“Do you know if she is single?”

“I can't say. I was in her elementary school class. She used to be quiet and isolated. I wouldn't say so before, but now that she looks so beautiful, I doubt she's single.”

“You said she was isolated, so how did you agree to be the palanquin girl?”

“Ah… her best friend is in charge of the parade. I think he dragged her into it. I’ve seen her help with student council tasks several times.”

“I think I’ll try to get to her.”

“In morals?”

"Yes. To be honest, I really like her. You need to help me."

“Okay, okay. I will help in any way I can.”

The conversation between the two boys, who are helping the student council, revolves around the girl who disappeared in the dressing room. Of course, Ongsa heard none of this. The person who listened–eavesdropped, to be more precise, is standing there with a worried expression. Sun inside is angry with Ongsa. Why the hell did she have to look so beautiful? Hundreds of people are behind her. Sun is so jealous that she is going crazy. Ongsa is the worst!!!


Ongsa feels strange now that she has become the center of attention. She receives more friend requests every day and is approached constantly throughout the week. More importantly… the people most interested in her are junior girls. Maybe her practice to be a top was successful, although not in a good way.

…Sun is upset…

That's why Ongsa thinks it's not in a good way. This is the third month of their relationship. Why wouldn't Ongsa know how easily his girlfriend gets upset? Sun is the type to get bitter about anything, regardless of how trivial or significant it is. She can get upset about small things and big things, but it never bothers Ongsa because it doesn't last long. Sun stops being upset pretty quickly. Plus, Sun is adorable when she's upset.

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