“You seem to like this so much.”

"Yes I like."

“Well… do you like this more than me?”

“Ah…” The question stuns Ongsa.

“Your face says you like crispy pork better.”

"No. It's not that."

“Hmph… Just eat, you idiot.”

“Ah…” Ongsa is perplexed. Does Sun get upset that easily?

"Hurry up. The film will start soon.”


“Eat your crispy pork. Fill your belly if you like it so much.” Sun transfers half of his meat to Ongsa's plate before continuing eating, without saying another word. Ongsa continues to sit there confused, not knowing what she did wrong.


Sun makes a sulky face at Ongsa in the restaurant, when they buy tickets and when they are at the cinema. Ongsa really doesn't understand what he did wrong. Is it a mistake to like crispy pork?

“Sun.” Ongsa whispers in the dark.

"What?" The movie trailers are playing in front of them and Sun seems absorbed in them.

“Are you mad at me?”


As if. She is clearly in a bad mood and yet she denies it… Ongsa thinks, but says something else.

“Why are you upset? Are you upset that I didn’t tell you what I like best?”


“You asked me suddenly. I was shocked, so I didn’t respond.”

“Are you going to answer me now?”

She's really upset about this, huh? Ongsa thinks before responding with a cheeky question.

“Reply about what?”

“Do you want me to be upset again?”

Oh, she had just said she wasn't upset.

“How could I choose? I like crispy pork and I like being with you. So what I like most is eating crispy pork with you.”

“If you had to choose one, would you choose me or meat?”

“I would choose you.”

Sun is finally satisfied with the answer, because she turns to the screen to watch the trailers, and soon after, someone who is no longer upset leans her head on Ongsa's shoulder, just like she did when they were looking at the stars in the camping.

“Is the world tilting again?” Ongsa jokes, despite his racing heart.

“The world has nothing to do with it.”


“I just want to be close to you.”


Classes finally resumed, as Ongsa had hoped for. From now on, she will see Sun every day without having to make a video call. Yay!!! Come to think of it, this is hilarious. Last year, Ongsa was shocked to see Sun at the morning meeting. Ongsa didn't even have the courage to talk to her. Who would have thought their relationship would go this far?


“Ah, Charoen. You arrived early.”

“I returned from the pilgrimage before dawn and came straight to school.”

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