Chapter - 2

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Yohan's legs couldn't stop trembling as he wobbled on his way one or two times.

What happened in the matter of day that he had to listen to such bad news?

Akira is the only person left in his life, he doesn't want him to suffer even 1% of what he has suffered before.

He had protected him from the world like he was protecting his little self.

He is fine.

He will be fine.

When he reached there, the lady told him the ward where he was getting treated.

The good news was that His internal organ didn't get damaged, it was just a minor cut and some scratches across his elbow.

A cut on the head which made the bleeding occur.

Yohan rushed and asked the nurse who was treating him.

"Is he okay?" He was breathless.

The nurse looked at the doctor who just entered the room.

"He is, and you are?"

"His... guardian."

"Oh, you need to take care of him, kids can be reckless sometimes, it could have been worse if there was internal bleeding but he is fine."

Yohan thanked him, as the doctor watched him for a moment.

"I was the doctor who treated him the last time too, sorry If I am not familiar but He had talked about you a lot, I assumed you were old but you look a lot younger." Doctor said.

Yohan stood there silently.

The nurse finished the bandages as she went out of the wardroom when the doctor signed her to.

When Yohan and Doctor were alone in the room, Doctor went over to Akira and touched his cheek - "I don't get involved in my patient's personal life but his case has made me not sleep for days, I wanted to meet you so we can talk about him."

Yohan was offered a seat as he sat, his focus on the doctor's words, It was a revelation to him like someone had pulled his blindfolds off of his eyes.

When did Akira have a reason to visit the Hospital?

He has been doing just fine for a long time, his immune system is doing well, as per his knowledge.

"Akira is such a rare boy, I had never met someone like him who had impacted me as a person." He took a look at the sleeping kid.


"I am not advising you as a doctor but as a father who had seen her daughter suffer like Akira, he doesn't deserve such treatment and I can't do anything with it when I hear who can be involved if it gets too high ears."

Yohan's heart pounded like someone had put tons in there, what doctor had to tell him?

"Come to the point Sir," he said impatiently.

"Did you know that Akira has been getting physically and mentally abused in his school for a long time now? The kid is so strong... He didn't talk about it openly to me but my daughter always has something to tell me whenever she hears I treat his classmate, Akira Erinson."

He paused and breathed, his guilt coming in "She said that Teachers are good to other students but they punished Akira for no reason, she said he is an excellent student, straight As, well-mannered, protective towards weak kids and mentally mature of age."

"He doesn't want you to know what is happening in his school so be mindful to not let him know that you know now, it can trigger him big time, the thing is it has been affecting so deep inside his personality that he has sometimes acted abrasively when nobody is around, he throws things and screams like it is a perfectly normal thing to do when asked, chances of him getting triggered by metals and loud voices is terrifying to many patients and nurses here, everyone wants to help him but all are scared of what he may do if he is not treated correctly before it's too late."

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