Switching between Universes

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WHY? Just why did that stupid KFC manager fire me? 

I was the best worker there, getting great reviews for KFC, cooking the best meals and even getting new ideas to make meals better!

That's what I thought but maybe the boss didn't like my ideas. How ideal and lucky for me.

I opened up my door to my house and put on the watch.

I guess this was time for the adventure I had planned.

Explore the world of Teyvat and level up myself!

There was a level number on my wrist and currently, I was Level 2.


Gosh this was so sad and plus, I didn't even now how to level up.


Doing quests?


I didn't know. 

As I zoomed into the world of Teyvat and I quickly scrambled around to get some sort of weapon around me.

Grabbing a stick, I held it as if my life depended on it.

"Do you really think that stick can protect you" a person behind me snickered.

I spun around, holding that stick, my eyes darting around, looking for the person that said that.

A familiar person stepped out behind a tree, with cryo energy radiating off of them.

"Don't worry, I was just joking. Now, who are you and what are you doing here?" Rosaria says.

I think. I don't want to reveal the truth now, so I said, "I'm just a traveler that's lost..."

"You seem like a... very poor one" she pointed out.

"You look more zombier than a normal zombie" I retort.

She rolled her eyes and glared at me, saying "You know I can kill you any second now."

I nodded, but didn't back down.

"You're a tough one. Follow me, I might get you a weapon" she says, gesturing in the way to Monstadt city.

I nodded, following her in silence.

WHat if I brought a weapon from Earth? WOuld I be able to bring it with me?

Abandonned Dawg |DOn't worry about this completly fine right|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя