next day

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Stiles is dead asleep
Stiles alarm went off twice

Sheriff  looks at his watch " seriously."


Stiles still dead to the world

Sheriff " fine sleep "

Sheriff leaves for work slams door

Stiles full awake. " Oh, what the hell?"

Stiles, look at the clock " shit "

Stiles' phone starts ringing

It scott

Stiles " What " as he's running to get dressed

Scott " where the hell are you? "

Stiles " um"

Scott, " you slept through your alarm, didn't you. Stiles, this is our last day of sophomore year. "

Stiles, " I know. Ok, I'm in my jeep on the way hanging up.  " Gets in his jeep

Stiles pulls up to Scott's

Scott " let go "

They arrived

Stiles and scott start running to clas cause they have a minute before the bell rings.
They made it

Coach " boys, you know what? I  don't want to stay after for detention, so forget it. "

Stiles " thank-"

Coach " shut it stilinski "

Scott is trying not to laugh

They get through school

Scott and Stiles get to the Jeep

Stiles " were juniors now, man,"

Scott " Yeah, we are. But we still got a pack meeting. "

Stiles " why did Derek choose today."

Scott " I don't ask your future boyfriend."

Stiles " Scott shut up."

They get in the jeep and take off to Derek's.

Stiles could have sworn he just saw the inpala.

Stiles in his mind, " I'm just seeing things."

They arrive at Derek's

And go in

Scott sits down, but Stiles is moving slow. Which catches Derek's attention.

Derek " stiles you ok "

Stiles " I'm fine." Every wolf in the room could hear Stiles's heartbeat jump a beat. They know he just lied.

Derek and scott made eye contact with a worried look.

Stiles' phone starts ringing

Stiles looks at it and declines it ( his dad Sheriff)

His phone rings again, and he declined it again.

The third time it rings, he picks it up.

Stiles " yeah dad"

Unknown " Hello "

Stiles " Who's this and where the hells my dad "

Unknown " I'm coming for your pack"

Stiles " What the hell do you want with my pack ? Who the hell are you?"

Unknown " you know who I am ."

Stiles, " I'm gonna need more than that ."

Unknown " I do this for a living "

Stiles, " You're a hunter. But that doesn't explain why you have my dad. "

Phone cuts out

Stiles " Hello "

Unknown " Stiles "

Stiles" dad "

Unknown " Stiles you need to find Bobby or Dean and sam "

Stiles " dad, who has you"

Unknown " his name is Gordon -"

Line goes dead

Stiles " Gorden who "

Scott " Stiles what happing"

Stiles, " it the same person that took me and you, Scott. "

Scott, " but your or your real father killed him."

Stiles said, " Well, guess he he's wasn't full dead."

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