Chapter 1. A new... world!

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Blood, Violence and moar!

Morally gray MC!... yay?




Im so damn blocked, this is the fourth time I'm re-writing this.

And 8th day.


Narrator POV.

A girl--ish looking boy was walking on strange streets on a strange land...

Roads where full of carriages... Yet they where drawn by horse-sized lizards. Green, Scaly, strong, and and long.

Pedestrians where plenty.. Yet some carried features of animals. Ears, furr, tails.. all in many colors.

And even the normal humans around had strange colors of hair, in blues and pinks, greens and purples, whites and grays.. Yet no black.

The girlish boy's dark eyes blurred out the chaos ongoing through everything as he had one thought...

'Am I high?'

Some looked at our protagonist with strange looks... Sneakers and hoodies where not common in this world at all. Nor were black hair and dark eyes.

Yet they couldn't help but continue staring, as he seemingly had a type of beauty that was not common through these lands.

Our protagonist's dark orbs glanced at the sky.. Blue and filled with clouds... 

Yet in the looming distance, was a large castle on top of this strange city...

One that stood regally as it was like the crown of the city...


Our girlish protagonist had a small theory...

Which turned into a fact, as soon as he was able to see another human with black hair- a boy- with dark eyes, sneakers and a tracksuit lined with black and orange.. And a plastic shopping bag...

 He, evidently. Is also from earth. From a normal earth ... Well, as normal as our earth is.

'I see... I'm utterly fucked.'.. This is Rezero.'

Thankfully, the fellow earthling ran completely past our protagonist, as he was more focused on another thing... Being utterly cringe and pathetic! 

Our protagonist had to make fast decisions...

'To die or not to die.. That is the question.'

To follow Subaru Natsuki would be to walk with death.

To NOT follow Subaru Natsuki would be to walk... still with death...

'Fuck, This world is so goddamn dangerous.'

Our protagonist now decided that the best course of action...

Would be to follow the victorious loop...

The one where Subaru Natsuki called for help as he was being mugged, and prompted him to meet Reinhardt Van Astrea who dealt with the major threat to his life.

'But Subaru wouldn't meet Emilia, He doesn't have a reason yet to return her insignia. So his life would be not at risk in the first place..... But I want this story to reach its ending...' 

Indeed. Our protagonist was one who loved this story. Who desired to see them happy...

'I have a plan...'

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