Traitor part 2

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Dante POV:

So I just found out, my sister is getting bullied and she did not told me or my parents, I think. I am not mad at all. I will try to understand why she hid this from me.

I looked for Marinette for the past 15 minutes and I still had not found her. I hope she is sill alright.

I saw Marc around and I decided to ask him.

Me: Marc, you know where is Marinette, I need to talk to her.

Marc: About what?

Me: Siblings issues. You will not understand.

Marc: Um... yea, I think I saw her. She might be in the basement... with some of her classmates.

Me: Thank you for telling me. Now I need to go to talk with someone.

After that, I went in the basement. I went down the stair and when I got at the bottom of there I was shocked to see: Marinette, with a lot of bruises and a bit bloody. Around her there we're the classmates.

Of course, I did the most logical thing. 

Me: What the hell, are you all stupid!? I scremed while rushing to her. Mari are you ok?

Marinette was not responding. Was she dead?

Kim: Well she deserved it for bullying Lila and...

Me: That is not karma! That is too far! And how could she do that?! Are you out of your mind?!

Kim:... no.

Me: You clearly had not thought of it, I am getting her to the medical cabinet.

After that I runned with her there. When I got there the nurse was for a surprise. She asked me what happened while I got her on a bed. She took care of her while I was explaining what I knew.

Nurse: This always happens to her, sometimes she does not get here always but  she is always with these scars.

Me: What, does not the principle do something about this?

Nurse: No, neither is her teacher. They are both some bad peoplo. I hope justice will be served.

I was stunned, I never knew that the teachers are so incompotent. 

Me: Thank you for telling me.

Marinette: Wha... what happend?

When I heard that I almost cried.

Me: Oh thank god you are safe. I thought they killed you for a second. Now I want an explenation why are they bulling you and everything, now.

Marinette: Do I need you?

Me: Yes, yes you do. Now spill everything.

After that she told me everything, about Lila, the bullying, the lying, and about how this has made her depresse for a while. She is better now. That is a realief. 

I felt anger building up in me, so I asked the nurse to go to the bathroom so I can cool off. When I got there, I tried to wash my face. They cant just hurt somone based on weak evidence! Like really! Taht is being an asshole, and idiot, and defenetly a toxic friend! She should not hang out with them and they need to be exterminated, or at least get what they deserve! They should...

Hawkmoth: Hello Exterminator, I am Hawkmoth.

Me:... sh#t. 

Hawkmoth: I can give you the power to exterminate everyone you want...

Me: Wait, wait wait... that is what you think is a good power? Nothing based on personality? Like do you think about peplos lives?

Hawkmoth: No? Why should I?

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