Um... I am gay part 2

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Adrien POV:

After school I went directly to the auditions. I hope I will join the band, I wonder how are they when they react that I wnat to join they're band.

??? POV:

Just got back from school and I went to the audition spot for the band. UGH! Why do I have to go there withouth my friends. Let's see who comes today, let's hope that we will have a new guitarist. Who is acully nice and not flirty.

When I got there I saw my friends at the door. I go and greet them.

??: Hello Andrew, how was hell today? Did you got you're notes from the math test?

Andrew: No, also we had to learn about Functions. That is so boring. Tho what about you guys?

??: I had music today, and beacuse of that I went to the drums and played some songs I know on them. Also some peplo from my school, more exactly the Akuma class, again tried to bully the sunshine of the school. HOW ARE THEY SO STUPID!!!! UGH! Xander, how do you acually get a good school?

Xander: I am just good at school. Not my fault that I am the smartest. 

As I said that I entered there. We started to prepare for the auditions. After 10 minutes, they we're done, so I checked outside and saw... 7 PEPLO, omg this is gonna be interesting.

Andrew: How many?

Xander: 7 peplo today. Let's start the auditions.

After that I went to my seat and told for the first one to come. We are decent so let's see who is gonna come today.

30 minutes later

Right now we have like 0 peplo, I don't understand, or they are bad, or they are just anoying. At least 1 of them was nice and I was thinking to let him join until..

Adrien: Hello, are the auditions still open..

Adrien POV

I FORGOT TO LOOK WHERE THEY ARE DOING THEM! I finally arived and I saw an empty line, os I wen there and I saw them. One of them I regonize from school, he is in miss Mendelive class, lucky, but the other 2 I did not know them.

Adrien: Hello, are the auditions still open..

Then one of them looked at me, and said:

Xander: Yes, and I see that the big model Adrien Agreste came. Are you not a pianist? you know we look for somoene who play guitar not piano. So I think you got the wrong place.

Adrien: Acually, no I started to use the guitar too. So yea, I think I am in the right place. 

Xander: Oh really, well then show me what you got.

He said that as he trowed a guitar. I thought I played while he told to his friends that I am here. I started to play Monster on the guitar. It was one of the only songs I knew how to play pretty good. The same guy said:

Xander: Nice play, but I am courious if the prince can play and other songs. Do you know anything else?

Adrien: I know how to play some part of other songs, but this one I chose beacuse I know how to play all of them withouth help. 

Xander: Interesting, o you say you are decent.

Adrien: Yes, I hope I will learn to play more.

Xander: Ok, give us 5 minutes.

And that way, they went to the backroom.

Xander POV:

As I went to the backroom with the guys I thought that Adrien acually knows how to play guitar. I wonder what made him love it. And also he was kinda cute. When we got there I said:

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