Chapter 9: Apocalypse

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In the morning, Yuna woke up, she looked around and realised that she is not in her own room, she then realised that it is Hikari's room, her face slowly turned red, "I slept at Hikari's place last night...I slept at a guy's place! AHH! This is so embarrassing..."

She got out of bed and walked downstairs, she saw Hikari and Xenon still asleep, her blushing face soon disappeared and turned into a smile, "These two looked adorable together..." Yuna slowly walked over to the living room, turns out that Hikari brought her school stuff here as well, "Well that's convenient..."

Yuna was thinking about whether or not she should wake Hikari up, when she approached Hikari, Xenon's fox ears perked up, she stretched her fox body and yawned, "Oh are awake." Xenon then tapped her fox paws on Hikari's face, "Master, it's time to wake up."

Hikari yawned and opened his eyes, "Oh it's morning already?" Yuna nodded, "Thank you Hikari for letting me rest at your place..." Hikari sat up, "Well, you collapsed right in front of us, we have to bring you here." Yuna then thinks back to the time where she collapsed, " I collapsed right in Hikari's arms?" Her face slowly turned red again, Xenon tilted her head in curiosity, "Yuna? Are you alright?" Yuna quickly shook her head, "Oh it's nothing, let's go to school now."

Hikari and Yuna headed to Corio High School, Ruby waited for her and she was shocked to see Hikari coming to school with Yuna, "Oh my fast going to school together already ah." Yuna flustered, "NO! It is not what you think it is..." Hikari sighed, he made an excuse for Yuna, "We just coincidentally met on the way here that's all..." Ruby then looked at Hikari and winked at him, " has been a while since I heard you speak, Hikari."

Hikari shook his head and just walked away, Ruby then inched closer to Yuna, " it true that you guys met here coincidentally because I don't think Hikari is someone who will go to school with anyone." Yuna thought back to her sleeping at Hikari's place, she started blushing again, "Ehm...yeah." Ruby gave Yuna a suspicious look, "Are you sure about that?"

School soon started, there was a geography timed practice today, Yuna gulped, she was not able to study yesterday due to her mission with Hikari, Ms Cest then passed down the paper, "Alright, you may begin!" Everyone started writing, Yuna was already dying on the first few questions, she thought, "I hate geography...I suck at it." She turned to Hikari, he was writing his answers smoothly as if he knew his answers were all correct, "Just how..." Yuna just gave up and tried to write whatever she could remember.

After the timed practice, Yuna banged her head on the table, looking extremely dead. Ruby was concerned for her, "Are you alright?" Yuna shook her head, "I am screwed for this test..." Ruby comforted her, "It's's just a timed practice, it is not an actual exam." Yuna whined, "But it is still a test..."

Yuna turned to Hikari, he is looking out of the window again, as if the previous test have no effects on him, sh got out of her seat and slowly dragged herself to his seat, she banged her head on Hikari's table while sitting in front of him, starling him a bit, "What are you doing?" Yuna mumbled, "Dying..." Hikari tilted his head, "For what?" Yuna began ranting, "That timed practice was horrible...I can't do most of the questions...I just suck at geography..."

Hikari sighed, "As an exorcist, it is important for you to learn geography, because since we are dealing with spirits, we need to know the geographical landscape of our fighting ground and of course the various air pressures around us." Yuna pouted, "But I just can't learn okay? I can do maths and science but not humanities..."

Hikari took a deep breath, " want me to give you tutoring?" Yuna's face lit up, "YES PLEASE! I NEED HELP!" Ruby then peeked from behind, "Oh? You are going to get tutored by your crush? Better don't get distracted alright?" Yuna slapped her on the shoulder, "RUBY! STOP SPITTING NONSENSE!" Hikari just shook his head and continued looking out the window.

After school, Yuna came running to Hikari's table with her geography textbook and notes, " me! Thank you." Outside soon started raining, Yuna sighed, "Perfectly depicts my mood right now..." Hikari asked Yuna, "Then can you tell me how rain is formed?" Yuna answered, "Isn't it through the water cycle?" Hikari nodded, "But how basically?" Yuna shrugged her shoulders, "I can't remember..." Hikari's eyes narrowed, "Basically for rains like this is called convectional rain, it is formed when the earth's surface is heated by the incoming shortwave solar radiation, the air heats up and rises, when the air reaches dew point temperature, it loses heat and condense into tiny water droplets, when many tiny water droplets come together, they form clouds, and when there are too many droplets, due to gravity, it falls as rain."

Yuna then started banging her head on Hikari's shoulder, "I am going to die for this subject..." Hikari tried to cheer her up a bit, "It all takes practice, just like your cursed mana manipulation." Yuna pouted, "Mhm..." Hikari then continued teaching Yuna about the parts that she doesn't understand, topics such as tectonics, weather and climate, and tourism.

They spent the entire afternoon revising. When they were heading to the school gate, Yuna thanked Hikari, "Thank you for teaching me today...I finally feel a little more confident in my abilities." Hikari shrugged his shoulders, "Well, glad that you are able to learn..." Yuna pouted, she poked Hikari's cheeks, "You look nicer if you smile more...don't always put on that plain look." Hikari rolled his eyes, "It's a habit that no one can change..." Yuna's eyes narrowed, "I don't see you like that when you are with Xenon..."

Hikari shrugged his shoulders, "Well...I don't know, maybe I need to give her positive energy I guess." Yuna started hitting Hikari on the shoulder, "So I don't need positive energy is it?" Hikari shook his head, "You are positive enough, this is why you are alive right now..." That kept Yuna's mouth shut.

Suddenly, Hikari stopped walking, Yuna tilted her head, "What's wrong." Hikari looked around, "Spirits...a large group of them." Yuna quickly looked around, "There are no spirits..." Hikari flicked her forehead, "You sure about that?"

Hikari closed his eyes, "Now...time to reveal yourself...Cursed dark arts, Thunder Rampage." He sent a lightning shockwave around him, suddenly, many spirits got shocked and fell to the ground, Yuna got a fright, "What did I not see them?" The spirits all looked like large black scorpions, Hikari explained, "This means that someone casted an invisible spell on them, hence they are commanded to come and attack us."

Yuna looked around, they were completely surrounded by the spirits, "What do we do? We are surrounded..." Hikari then carried Yuna in bridal style, "Woah! Hikari, what are you doing?" Hikari smirked, "Saving your ass..."

Hikari leaped out of the crowd and got a few distance away from the spirits, the spirits all started crawling towards them just like zombies, Yuna then manipulated her curse mana into the shape of a bow and arrow, she started firing at them, she managed to take out a few, but the rest are swarming towards them. Hikari chanted, "Cursed dark arts, Phantom Kunai." Hikari fired many kunai at the spirits, killing many of them, but there are still a lot remaining.

Yuna took a step back, "There are too many of them..." Hikari smirked, "They want to play like this? Fine, I will play with them." Hikari turned to Yuna, "I am casting a large spell, so please stand back." Yuna nodded and stood behind Hikari.

The exorcist's violet eyes glowed, the air around them started swirling, a black void appeared, a humongous black sword that is the size of a building appeared and pointed at the sky, "Cursed dark arts...Void Punisher." The large sword then sliced down, causing a large explosion, all of the spirits were wiped out. Yuna got a shock from it, "What the...why are you so powerful, Hikari?" Hikari's silver white hair gently swayed in the wind, "Because...I am the descendant of the strongest exorcist."

Not too far from, a woman in a black cloak was watching them, "Hmm, this boy...interesting, he is not too bad, I guess I have someone to play with now..." The woman then disappeared into the shadows and out of sight...

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