Chapter 6: Shrine

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The following day, at Corio's High School, Ms Cest made an announcement, "Class, tomorrow we will be visiting a fox shrine for our outdoor heritage study, make sure to prepare the necessary materials for the field trip." The whole class was excited, Ruby cheered, "LET'S GO! This is our first field trip in our second year!" Yuna smiled, "Mhm...I am looking forward to it."

She then looked at Hikari, he seemed not interested in what Ms Cest just said. During lunch, she walked over to his table, "Hi..." Hikari turned towards her, "Hi." She sat down in front of Hikari and looked at him with her hands at her chin, "Are you excited for tomorrow's field trip?" Hikari shrugged his shoulders, "Well... I guess so." Yuna finally decided to ask the burning question inside her, "Are you always this gloomy? I always saw you looking out of the window."

Hikari's eyes narrowed, "Then why are you looking at me?" Yuna blushed, " gaze just wandered onto you." Hikari just nodded his head, "I see..." Ruby came up behind Hikari, "Aww...such interesting interactions you guys have." Yuna got flustered, "It's not what you think it is!" Ruby giggled, "Then what is it? Are you flirting?" Yuna blushed heavily, "NO!" Hikari just sighed as he watched these two girls argue.

Hikari went back to his house, the moment he opened the door, Xenon appeared in fox form and wrapped herself around Hikari's neck, "Master, you are back!" Hikari laid down on his sofa, Xenon transformed into her human form and sat down beside him, " is an ordinary day for you today again." Hikari nodded, "Mhm...tomorrow we will be visiting a fox shrine, do you want to come along?"

Xenon's eyes widened, "I can come?" Hikari smiled, "Yeah...not like people can see you except for Yuna." Xenon put her index fingers together, "I guess so..." Hikari patted her, "Usually at a shrine is where a fox spirit can heal and meditate so I think it is a good chance for you to get recharged there." Xenon's fox ears flapped and her scarlet eyes were filled with excitement, "YAY!"

Next morning, Hikari packed his things and got ready, he saw Xenon all ready to go out, "So where will you be?" Xenon thought for a moment, she transformed into her fox form and hopped onto Hikari's shoulder, "I will be chilling here then." Hikari chuckled, "Alright, just don't make me look weird out there." Xenon stuck out her tongue, "Depends on my mood." Hikari rolled his eyes, "You ah..."

When both of them reached the school, they saw Yuna and Ruby at the foyer, waiting for the school bus, Yuna ran over to Hikari, "Hikari! Good morning! Ready for the field trip?" She then saw Xenon sitting on Hikari's shoulder, her eyes widened, she whispered in his ear, "Why is Xenon here?" Hikari explained, "We are going to a fox shrine, so I thought it would be good for Xenon to recharge herself there." Yuna nodded, "Oh...I see."

The school bus arrived, Ms Cest called the class to get onto the bus, Hikari sat down at a seat by himself, Yuna and Ruby sat in front of him. When the bus started heading out, Xenon transformed into her human form and sat down beside Hikari, "So this is how it feels like to be in a bus." Hikari patted her head, "Mhm."

Xenon looked around and saw all the different students here. She began to feel a little bit anxious, " it really alright for me to come?" Hikari smiled, "Well, not like they can see you either, so it's fine." Xenon sighed, "I just don't like being in large groups..."

Hikari chuckled, "Now I see how anti-social you are." Xenon pouted, "This is how I am alright..." Hikari patted her head, "Just relax and have fun at the fox shrine alright?" Xenon grinned, "Mhm..." Yuna turned around and saw the two of them talking happily to each other. She wanted to say something but she couldn't, Ruby whispered in Yuna's ear, " you know what is going on with Hikari, why is he talking to himself?" Yuna giggled and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, maybe there is a spirit inside him that is talking to him." Ruby looked confused, "Huh?"

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