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You will come to us...
You have no choice...
You will be a part of us...

Midnight's eyes opened, blinking. A long breath escaped their lips. Glancing at their surroundings, they realised that they were still on the bus taking them and their classmates to a museum in the middle of nowhere.

"Night?" a voice asked. "You okay? You seem a bit out of it..."

Looking to their left, Midnight's eyes landed on a short person, who looked like they could be a Latino Santa's elf with his pointy ears and elf-ish smile. His dark brown hair curled in every direction, complimenting his features. Midnight did not understand those who said that he was unattractive. Leo was very attractive in their opinion.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm fine, don't worry, Leo."

Leo's attention went back to where it was, on their two friends, Jason and Piper, who were seated behind them.

"This is some kind of mistake," Jason said, catching Midnight's attention. "I'm not supposed to be here."

Jason had short-cropped blonde hair and electric blue eyes. On his lower lip was situated a small scar, that for some reason, Midnight had only just realised was there.

Leo laughed, his throat rumbling at the sound. "Yeah, right, Jason. We've all been framed! I didn't run away six times, Night didn't nearly cause a fire at their last school, and Piper didn't steal a BMW."

Midnight sighed at the reminder of what had happened to their last school.

Piper blushed, "I didn't steal that car, Leo!"

Piper, the only girl of the group, had choppy cut hair of a chocolate colour. Her eyes were mesmerising. They were kaleidoscopic like changing colour at all times.

"Oh, I forgot, Piper. What was your story? You 'talked' the dealer into lending it to you?"

Midnight chuckled at their friends' antics, already knowing the story after having heard Leo retell it over and over.

"Leave her be, Leo. If she says she didn't steal it, then she didn't."

Huffing, Leo rolled his eyes, muttering a small "Yeah, yeah."

"Anyway, I hope you have your worksheet, 'cause I used mine for spit wads days ago." Midnight sighed again. How much had they sighed already? "Why are you looking at me like that? Somebody draw on my face again? Night, you should tell me this sort of thing, so I don't look stupid!"

Before they could respond, Jason spoke; "I don't know you." he glanced at Midnight. "Nor you."

A pang of hurt shot through their heart. This simple sentence sent unwelcomed emotions into them.

"Sure. I'm not your best friend. I'm his evil clone."

Midnight shook their head, sighed and looked back at Jason. Something didn't sit right with them. Something was missing.

"Leo Valdez!" Yelled the coach at the front. "Problem back there?"

Leo winked at his friends. "Watch this." He turned to the front. "Sorry, coach! I was having trouble hearing you. Could you use your megaphone, please?"

Immediately, Midnight knew that their friend had done something to alter the object, because there was no way Leo would willingly let coach Hedge talk with a megaphone.

Midnight hid a snicker when the coach's voice came out sounding like Darth Vador instead of his voice. Everyone on the bus started to laugh, (except Jason, which, weird, Jason usually liked those types of jokes, especially against coach Hedge.)

The coach tried to use the megaphone again, only for another sound to come out. "The cow says moo," the megaphone blared.

"Valdez!" Coach yelled, whilst the students cried of laughter. Hedge even slammed the megaphone down.

Midnight looked at Leo, only to see him smile widely, proud of himself. He should be, they thought, happy to see their friend so joyful.

"My God Leo, how did you do that?" Piper stifled a laugh.

"I have many talents, and tinkering just so happens to be one of them," Leo said, still smiling and huffing with pride.

"We should call you 'Tinkerbell' now," Midnight spoke out, making Piper want to laugh even more if her placing a hand on her mouth whilst biting her bottom lip was of any indication.

Leo spun his head towards them, a look of horror flashing in his eyes. "No! Don't you dare call me that!"

Next to Piper, a very confused Jason looked between the three that said were his friends. Midnight, sensing eyes on them, looked at him and smiled what they hoped was a reassuring one.

"Guys, seriously. What am I doing here? Where are we going?" Jason asked, a soft plea in his voice, as if desperate.

Midnight tried to comprehend the situation at hand. They were worried for their friend, who looked on the verge of collapsing.

Piper frowned. "Jason, are you joking?"

"No! No!" Jason sputtered. "I have no idea-"

"Ah, yeah, he's joking," Leo interrupted. "He's trying to get back at me for that shaving cream on the Jell-O thing, aren't you?"

Midnight and Piper exchanged a look. "No, I think he's serious," Piper said, her eyes wandering back towards her blond best friend.

She tried to take his hand, which made Jason back away. Midnight knew of Piper's crush on Jason. And so did Leo. So, seeing as Jason seemed to not remember them, either of them, it must hurt her.

"I'm sorry," Jason said. "I don't- I can't-"

Midnight frowned. They couldn't understand what was happening, why or how Jason could not remember them.

Midnight was brought out of their musing by coach Hedge's loud shout. "That's it! The back now has just been volunteered to clean up after lunch!"

Everyone else that wasn't at the back cheered.

"Great," Leo and Midnight mumbled. "That's a shocker," Leo added.

Piper kept her eyes on Jason, hurt and worry in her eyes as if she didn't know which emotion she should be feeling right now.

Midnight sighed, again. They couldn't blame their friend for being like this, as they, themself, didn't know what to feel.

"Did you hit your head or something?" She asked, eyes scanning the blond's head. "You really don't know who we are?"

Jason shrugged helplessly. "It's even worse than that. I don't know who I am."


Wawbam!!! I finished chapter one!!! After months of having had this idea, I finally finished the first chapter!!!! Yippee!!!!!
I still don't know how the prophecy will go, as I suck with prophecies. I don't know how Rick does it, but it is extremely difficult.
I remember, when I started writing this (so this was a long time ago), I forgot that the love interest was Jason and I was starting to write about Leo as if he were the love interest. Then, I stopped and remembered, and I was like, well sh*t. But I still kept some of it so that Midnight and Leo will have an awesome friendship!!!
Hopefully, I will stay in my hoo phase. Because I really want to continue all the fic ideas that I have for pjo and hoo.
Anygays, I hope you liked it!!!
- M

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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