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The air is always heavy whenever we race at Spa. 

I never knew Dilano personally but I'd heard of his name here and there. When the news struck that day we were all in shock. 

The track conditions were the same today as they were when he raced causing everyone to be on edge. No one wanted a repeat of the crash that Dilano had. No one wanted another loss or another name to add to the growing list of names of drivers who have been taken too soon. 

"Radio check Max," My race engineer says to me.

"All good," I respond as we finish up on our formation lap. 

Luckily, even with the horrific weather we've had to drive in, I had managed to qualify for P2, with Charles in P1 ahead of me. The lights light up ahead of me, and I take one last deep breath before they go out and we start racing. 

The spray from Charles's car immediately hits me as we begin to move. We continue down the straight and as we get to the first corner I can see Lando behind me trying to squeeze past. I try to close the gap when all of a sudden I feel the car pull me back momentarily. 

"Guys, something is off with the car," I say over the radio.

"Copy, we're looking into it," I hear my race engineer reply to me.

I'm forced to give Lando the position, but I'm close behind him, with a fighting chance to get the position back. We continue racing up the hill and through Eau Rouge. We get out the other side and my race engineer comes back with an update.

"Nothing on the data is abnormal,"

"Well, something has to be... I just got suddenly pulled back and had to give up a position I shouldn't have had to!" I say back to him.

"Copy, we'll keep looking," He says back to me.

I shake my head a little before hitting the apex at turn 8. 


"Lap 39 Max, 5 laps to go," My race engineer updates me.

"This car has gotten so much more lumpy, there has to be something on the screens as to why," I say over the radio in response.

"Data is still all clear, we're not sure what's causing the issue but we are still looking,"

I cross the line to begin my 40th lap and manage to catch up to Lando with the help of DRS. I can't quite get the overtake done on the straight so I stay on him through turn one. 

"FUCK!" I scream.

I feel the car lose all power as I hit the first corner at Eau Rouge. I try to keep control of it as I go through the next corner, however, I don't manage to get the exit right and the car starts to spin. I feel the first hit into the barrier before spinning across the track and feeling the second hit. It forces me in a different direction and I feel the car slide before finally hitting a barrier somewhere.

"Max? Max, are you okay?" I can just about hear through the ringing in my ears.

"Ugh... I can't move my leg... My right leg is stuck..." I say over the radio, trying to keep myself from blacking out.

"Safety car deployed, marshals are on their way over to you, sit tight Max. You'll be okay," He says back to me.

"Guys I smell smoke..." I say as I see fire erupt around the air vents behind my head, the flames licking my helmet. 

Survival instincts kick in and I undo my seat belt and pull with all my strength to get my leg free. I know I have a matter of seconds before the engine will explode. I scream in pain as I finally pull it out of where it was stuck and I climb out of the cockpit. I try to run away from the car, but end up falling over. I feel a pair of hands grab my arms and they haul me up. 

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