Dom heard the string make a loud thwack against the pipe as the door burst open, swinging back and blocking some of the phantoms running their way. The only downside, an enraged phantom with a nasty snarl was making its way towards them with a hungry glint in its eye.

"Fuck!" Dom shouted, just dodging its arm as it reached out to grab her.

'It's gonna get us at this rate, what the fuck do I do!' She screamed in her head, her heart thumping in her ears. As she looked back infront of her, she spotted an abandoned cleaning trolley laying idle in the hallway. She grinned, kicking into a faster sprint and grabbing the handle of the trolley.

"Catch this!" She yelled, whirling back around and slamming the trolley against its torso, pinning it to the wall as it screamed at her. She slipped the tooth from under her sleeve, reaching up against the trolley and using the strength in her wrist to stab the tooth into its throat, as it stood there, wailing in pain, she retracted the tooth, slipping it into her pocket and stepping back.

"Don't just stand there, run!" She shouted back at Aiden and Ashlyn, who stood with their jaws gaping.

Before Dominique had time to react from being planted against the trolley, another phantom came running out from around the corner of the hallway. As Dom reached her hand back into her pocket to retrieve the tooth, Aiden ran forwards, planting himself in between the phantom and Dominique and slamming it against the wall, picking up a can of disinfectant before leaning against the phantom, cackling.

"This could be fun!"

As Ash looked at him dumbfounded and Dominique looked at him with an equally excited glint in her orbs, he pushed his finger down on the trigger, spraying the phantom in the eye as it squirmed against the wall in front of him, its lips parting and nothing coming out. At least to him.

"Why isn't it screaming?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side like a puppy with a sweatdrop on his face.

Meanwhile, Ashlyn she her hands clutched over her ears and Dominique just squinted at him.

"You can't hear it?" She asked, confused. Just as he parted his lips to respond. Ashlyn shouted back at them both.

"Dominique, Aiden, come on!" She ordered, looking at the two with a painful tint clouding her features.

"I think we could take them! There's heaps more bottles in the cart-!" He started, but not before being interrupted by Dominique, who placed her hand on his arm and shook her head.

"Maybe next time!" She responded back to him, a smile on her face as she gestured her head behind her toward Ashlyn, who was already preparing to sprint out of the hall to where the others were located.

As the three tumbled into the dorm where Logan held the door open for them, Ashlyn quickly stepped up, pushing her back against the door and locking the handle with her hand, slumping against the floor with a lightly with a relived expression on her face.

Only to be interrupted by the sound of banging and screeching on the other side of the. Ash and Dom both held grimaces on their faces as they glared at the door.

"Start piling stuff against the door, guys." Dominique spoke, starting to get up from the floor and looking toward the group with a glint in her eye.

"Your arm is all torn up, Dom." Aiden spoke from beside her, running a light finger down her arm as she just sighed. "I thought I moved you out of the way in time?"

"You did." She continued for him. As she parted her lips to speak again, Ash spoke up from opposite her, looking down at her arm.

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