Margery and Arthur

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There's a lot of talk of a"big 3" floating around like pixies, it's sickly, if they saw the talent that's out there, they'd shut up quickly, I say we show them what we're capable of, who's with me?  Yeah, you space cadets better call Houston and I don't mean Whitney, I'll hit you babies one more time like your first names were Britney. You babies cry about getting grazed like a kid's knee, wait until I'm finished with you, I'll rip out both your kidneys

A lot of rappers claim to be out of this world like they're Spudnick but dawg these guys are garbage, they bite and they suck like blood ticks, they're parasite rappers, they should be ashamed to show their faces in public. I'm telling you, the rap games been dragged through the dirt in recent years, it hurts to see how much mud sticks

Yeah, my thoughts are as rapid as Mudryk vs a stopwatch, that's a little Chelsea bar, I think that they should drop Poch, but anyway my lyricism is always top notch, the way I play with words, I make it seem as easy as playing hopscotch

I know none of y'all are really that interested, but you can't discredit the amount of time poured into lyricism that I've invested, the modern landscape of rap is infested with mumble rappers very few people are impressed with

Of course I don't mumble, it's kinda hard to mumble when you're just words on a page, but at least I don't spit the blandest bars ever heard on a stage

Nobody enjoys their lacklustre track clusters, their shit's slow as fuck while I always initiate the back thrusters

Back onto the space themed bars, mistook you for Tony Montana, not because you're a badass drug lord, but because your face seemed scarred

I'm just a small time wordsmith who spends most of my days sat up in my bedroom, writing eulogies for the parts of your brain that'll be dead soon

Bars that kill brain cells, often in the presence of alkies, when they smell the shit I'm brewing, they form a swarm like algae

These bars aren't for people with slow brains, my style has gotten stronger over 6 years, I've had time to fine tune it 'n' grow gains, my next project will have a similar vibe to playing grime music in Cockaigne, the rhymes will be as zany as people with lime tunics 'n' no names and they'll be fragrantly scented with thyme, tulips 'n' propane ugh!....

My rhymes hit their target like elite archery by archers, like law students I'm thinking about obtaining my bar degrees and charters, until then, I'm freestyling in the Special Place of Margery and Arthur

Yeah... I don't even know 'em, but regardless they are now immortalised within the confines of this poem

Thank you both for the bench 'n' the view, I hope if you're looking down, you don't mind this mention of you



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