Peaceful sleep and Sana were never meant for each other

ابدأ من البداية

Over and over it repeats, in a sickeningly sweet tune - like a TV jingle from the 90s, loud and jarring and wholly, one hundred percent on purpose, Sana realises when she hacks her way into the penthouse elevator. Because why else would the asshole play a song about pink fluffy Hamster if not to make fun of her very unfortunate fashion faux pas from the last time they met?

The elevator dings and the doors slide open easily, much like it had the last time. Tonight however, the hallway isn’t littered with rubbish, and is instead in pristine condition. The floor is practically gleaming, and Sana feels a childlike urge to slide over the length of it in her socks.

An urge that dissipates the moment she sees the woman with dumb, smirking face leering at her from around the corner.

She’s hit with the same wave of familiarity that had washed over her last time they met, but she brushes it off in favour of more pressing matters.

Like yelling at the woman over this god awful music, for example.

“You!” she snarls.

Pink fluffy Hamst-

“Hey, neighbour!” she waves at Sana, yelling cheerily over the music, totally unbothered about the fact that she’s just broken into her penthouse, livid and about to strangle her. And even more frighteningly, nonplussed about the ear-splitting cacophony currently playing over her speakers. 

“What’s up?!”

"Jesus , does she not own like, a single full body shirt that doesn't reveal anything of her?  Like that crop top is, just,  casually showing off her basically everything ", Sana thinks.

"-dancing on rainbows", the other woman is singing.

Sana growls under her breath before raising her voice. “Can you pl-”

"Pink fluffy Hamster, dancing on"-

“ËNOUGH!” Sana bellows, so loud that she thinks the walls start shuddering. The woman winces and her smug grin vanishes. 

Her gulping in her throat and a hand dips into her pocket and the music, finally, turns off. The relief settles over Sana's bones like a warm blanket. Sana's ears stop ringing and she manages to take a few deep, calming breaths. Sana glare though, doesn’t waver in it’s intensity.

“Okay, I’m sorry.” The woman's voice comes out a little meek, and she sounds, as incredulous as the notion is, genuinely apologetic. 

“You’re sorry?” Sana repeats.

“Look, I only - shit, how do I,” the woman breaks off, then runs a hand through her hair (much better styled hair than the last time Sana saw her, she notes). The woman's pectoral muscles twitch - and Sana hates herself for noticing that tiny fact. “I um, wanted to see you.” 


Sana blinks at her. Once. Twice

"Wanted to see me?  Like, me?", Sana looked at the woman in surprise.

“I tried leaving you a note. You never responded. And then I came by, like, three times, but maybe you weren’t home? I don’t know. And then I left another note and said I was sorry, but still nothing... Um, last time, I played really loud music and you came up here, and I thought if I did the same thing-”

“You’re telling me that you wanted to apologise for being a dick, by being a dick again?” Sana sputters in disbelief. The strange piece of paper with ‘hello im sorry’ flashes in her mind’s eye. “Oh my God, that note was yours.” 



Thanks for reading.
Have a great day/night

Red hair Nayeon is my weakness now.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
The Neighbours (Sahyo) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن