Peaceful sleep and Sana were never meant for each other

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There’s a tiny square of paper under Sana’s door that goes unnoticed for a while after that encounter. It starts to yellow at the edges, gets scuffed from being kicked around, ignored and overlooked as she enters and exits her apartment over the next few days.

It isn’t until she nearly slips on it one night, returning from a fifteen hour day at work, that she realises that it’s there.

Bleary-eyed and with her stomach growling with hunger, she bends down to pick up the tiny post-it sized piece of paper.

"Who the hell threw trash here", Sana says even though it was a small piece of paper but she tries to read.

The writing is barely legible and she has to squint to make out the tiny words on it.

"hello im sorry"

Sana frowns. ‘Hello, I’m sorry?’ One, where are the punctuations, and two, what?

"Whatever, why should I care? ", Says says and she flips the piece of paper around in case there’s more on the other side, but it’s blank.

"Could it have been a mistake, maybe? A note meant for someone else that had accidentally ended up under her door?",Sana just stares at the piece of paper.

She spares another thirty seconds staring at it before sighing and giving up. Whatever it’s supposed to be, it can’t be that important, so Sana scrunches the paper up into a ball and tosses it into the trash can. 

It’s midnight. She doesn’t work tomorrow. 

"It’s time for bed, world can collapse and I don't give a damn".

Except, barely an hour later, just as she starts drifting off into the semi-trance like state of being asleep, yet not, her ceiling starts rumbling. 


Of course. She should have expected this; it is a Friday night. 

The music starts as a muted, steady beat and for a brief second, Sana (naively) thinks she can deal with it. She pulls one of extra pillows over her head, flattens it over her ear and snuggles back into bed. Until -

Pink fluffy Hamster, dancing on rainbows!

"All I wanted was a good sleep and this brat up is just to make my life miserable without a proper sleep", Sana groans.

It thunders - literally thunders - through her ceiling this time, the volume having exponentially increased so that she can hear. Every. Single. Goddamned. Word.

“Agh!!!! I won't spare you little clown", Sana fumed.

Her pillow flies across the room. She’s out of her bed faster than a bullet. Her phone’s in her hand in the next instant and she takes off towards the penthouse.

Pink fluffy Hamster, dancing on rainbows!

"Hamsters aren't pink and the hell did Momo gifted me that Pink Hamster clothing".

Pink fluffy Hamster, dancing on rainbows!
Pink fluffy Hamster, dancing on rainbows! Pink fluffy Hamster, dancing on rainbows!

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