chapter five

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when overthinking meets impulsive

"will you listen to me for a second!" minho yells, shaking jisung by his shoulders. the two were walking to your apartment, but jisung just wouldn't stop rambling. he had been asking why minho was with you, but he never actually gave him a chance to answer. continuous apologies leaving his lips, paired with question after question, eventually, minho got fed up.


"she's fine. she just had a pretty bad anxiety attack and she didn't know who to call. obviously by then i figured you two had gotten in a fight. so care to tell me what happened?" minho asks, his words successfully helping jisung calm down a little, but they also made him feel like an ass.

"i guess i fucked up..." jisung shrugs.

"i'm gonna need more than that." minho urges.

"i basically told her that she's overbearing..."

"why would you— you know what. who cares. just apologize. because clearly that didn't work out for either of you." minho scoffs, pulling open the building to your apartment complex, motioning for jisung to go in first.

"i doubt she even wants to see me..." jisung hesitates.

"go." minho ignores the concern, knowing that no matter how pissed at him you were, the two of you needed each other. and he was determined to get you guys to make up. mostly because he couldn't afford to leave his cats every time one of you needed him.

much quicker than jisung would have liked, he and minho ended up outside of your door, minho wasting no time before knocking.

"it took you that long to get piz— minho... you lied to me..." you pouted instantly upon seeing minho and jisung, but no pizza.

"i got side tracked." minho shrugs, pushing jisung into the apartment. you stumble away, keeping distance between the two of you. both of you turn your heads to look at minho who still stood at the door, arms crossed over his chest. "you two make up. i'll be back with pizza now." and with that, he reaches inside to pull the door closed, leaving you and jisung to fall into a rather awkward silence.

"a-are you okay?" jisung speaks first, his voice slightly hoarse. you were immediately alerted, knowing that he likely just recovered from an attack. it didn't take you long to figure out that minho didn't just go to get jisung, jisung needed his help.

"i'm... fine. i guess i should ask you the same thing..."

"i'm... an idiot." he replies.

"huh?" you furrow your brows.

"i am so sorry. i don't know what i was thinking..." his sudden apology shocked you, but you were more worried as his voice began to shake. "i didn't mean it. you're not overbearing... you're just a perfect friend. you know my limits before i do. i don't know what i'd do without you, and i am so, so sorry that i made you feel like you were in the wrong."

"jisung..." you felt tears threatening to fall as you look over his appearance. it was evident that what had happened between the two of you effected him greatly, and you felt like an idiot for not seeing it earlier. "i'm sorry too."

"why are you apologizing?" jisung met your gaze, looking back and fourth between both of your eyes.

"i should have realized that all of this was just your stress. i should have never taken you seriously." you tell him.

"no... god no. you were just respecting my decision. i mean... hell you even gave me space, despite how upset you were. and then i acted like a total douche, as if i wasn't even effected. this isn't your fault at all." jisung tells you, voice full of sincerity.

"let's just... let's just say we were both idiots." you chuckle slightly, hoping to lighten the mood. you had forgiven him, and to be honest, you'd forgiven him much earlier, but your stubbornness just wanted him to apologize. but now that he was, you felt guilty.

"me more than you... but i guess we can say that." jisung laughs as well, and you felt a wave of relief. both of you were okay. you couldn't stop yourself as you stepped forward, wrapping your arms around his waist, and thankfully, he reciprocated, wrapping his arms around your upper back, securing you into his chest.

"can we never fight again? that was awful..." you joke once again, voice slightly muffled from the hug.

"i'd like that." jisung replies, moving to rest his chin on top of your head. "i bet minho would too." jisung adds with a laugh. you chuckle, pulling away from the hug to lightly slap his chest, the action causing him to meet your eyes. with your arms still wrapped around one another, the two of you were very close, and you were suddenly hyper aware of the way you could feel his breath gently fanning your face.

it was ultimately jisung who dropped his gaze down to your lips first, causing you to do the same. the air was thick with tension, both of your minds running on overdrive, and you definitely felt your heartbeat quicken significantly. normally, that would be a bad feeling for you, but when jisung leaned forward, enveloping your lips with his, you were overcome with a feeling of warmth.

your heart was beating against your chest, and your hands were shaking, but you felt calm. happy even.

jisung was feeling the same way, the two of you sighed happily into the kiss, wrapping your arms tighter around one another.

the kiss was heated, and you were completely lost in it, so lost in it that you didn't hear when the door opened. neither did jisung. the two of you blissfully unaware until a grimacing minho decided to end his suffering.

"i said make up, not make out." he scoffs, making his appearance known as he loudly drops the boxes of pizza onto the counter. and in an instant, you and jisung were six feet apart, looking at minho with eyes wider than saucers, and faces ghostly pale.

and thankfully, minho bursts into laughter. you and jisung both releasing a rather relieved breath of air.

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