Chapter 11

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- Xia Wen Ran POV:

I stormed out from the harem, anger building up strongly inside me. That impudent human! I may not know who she is, but she is literally a very rude concubine! That fake Qing Yi. Yu Zheng should have just killed her after the Moon Sacrificial! Why did he ignored my words?! What did that human does to make Yu Zheng restraint himself from killing her?!

I shouted. I could feel my skin getting hurt. Tail swayed left and right behind me, and I tried my best to stay calm. Suppressing myself from further irrationality, I immediately closed my eyes whilst chanting the Spell of Lock. Locking my soul for a moment so I could avoid any chaos.

After a while, I successfully turned back to my usual look. As I gazed over myself in the mirror, I stared the red jade pendant that hung on my neck. Yu Zheng, where are you...

I could feel him coming. Near. His heartbeats. I can feel them. I immediately rushed to prepare myself to welcome him. Yet, worry climbs up my mind. What if that human decide to get on my nerves again? Yu Zheng would be displeased if he knows I almost showed my true form just now too.

I chanted the Demon Silencing spell. It may not help much, but at least I won't hear any word from a human. Including that fake Qing Yi.

You filthy, obnoxious woman! Wait till I tear your skin with my own!

Andrea Cheng's POV:

I was bathing happily when suddenly two servants arrived just to give me a heart attacking news. Yu Zheng returned from the imperial court way earlier! And worst of all, he is LOOKING FOR ME!

Half crying, I was pulled out from the 'pool' by two girls as they dressed me. Their hands were fast but lenient, which I think is almost impossible if I ever been in this kind of situation.

I guess having servants is not too bad, right?

Or, should I be the one learning this servant skills?

Forget the thoughts. I am now ready. Walking out, I tried to look as impassive as I could. Forget about what happened last night, snake.

By the way, just where the hell are Qing Yi and her husband? Miss main character, are you not as innocent as I thought? Are you scheming on me, you little rascals?!

Nevertheless, I think here in the palace is not that bad. I am not Qing Yi, okay? If she is here, well she will fret to the end of the days but this Andrea Cheng. The suddenly born-again girl.

Haiz, since I do not have any trouble living here, why shouldn't I just stay? Right. I should just stay.

Furthermore, I cannot afford to leave this mister villain. He is the reason why I can act so impudently! And yet, where should I go after escaping this palace? I lied about my origins. There are no ways to go home to.

Staying in the palace it is.

"Cheng Zhou." Yu Zheng's voice broke my ponder. I look up and there he is. Tall, stunning, eyes implanted deep within mine.

"Oh, hi. I mean, greetings, Your Majesty." Nah, this is what I hate. The royalty callings are just too stiff in my mouth. Nevermind, at least it's for our mister villain.

Imagine if I have to call Xia Wen Ran that way! Ew, no!

"You're coming with me to visit the Empress." Yu Zheng eyed me, his hand gripped my wrist. Smiling awkwardly, my head went up and down as a sign of agreement.

I don't know what's the reason for this visit. As far as I could remember, I did not read any chapters that represented the Empress in it. Man, I guess I changed the story way too much.

It's fine. At least no bloodshed.

"Fine, fine. I'm coming. By the way, aren't we going to match dress? Wear the same colour? Won't we look way more romantic~?" I smiled, showing my whole damned front teeth in order to annoy Xia Wen Ran that is standing behind Yu Zheng, holding a tray of tea. Smiling towards her, I shifted my position closer to Yu Zheng. I can see the flaming look in Xia Wen Ran's face when I stood next to Yu Zheng.

But she seemed like nonchalant about the matching dress stuff.

Probably that kind of thing does not really irritate her.

"Cheng Zhou." Yu Zheng spoke bluntly and I immediately looked up to him. He was not smiling but did not look disturbed either. In a swift motion, he called for two servants to ask them for the matching dresses I suggested just now.

Whoa! What a man he is.

Standing sturdily, I eyed Yu Zheng's imposing figure standing straight and proud, his narrowed eyes are looking onto Xia Wen Ran.

Sheesh, is this the feeling of jealousy? Or probably irritation.

Your little brained ass is catching feeling way too fast, you stupid Andrea!

"Xia Wen Ran." Yu Zheng spoke, firm but slow. The cat immediately looked upon him and softly answered in the most faked, pick me-d voice ever, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Yu Zheng looked over me and replaced his sight over Xia Wen Ran again. "I trust no one else but you to dress up Miss Cheng Zhou."

That moment was so- oh! I am crying in pure disbelief and irritation once again, why out of all beautiful ladies in this place, this girl is the one chosen out of everyone?

"N- No need! I can do my makeover on my own. No worries. I am truly, precisely independent." Waving my hands while shaking my head in 2 times speed, I stated my disagreement. Yu Zheng only looked at me for a second or two, and then he just nodded softly, before walking away to wear his ready-made robe brought by two male servants. Jade green colour! Nice taste, husband!

When he left, I stayed for a while just to have a staring contest with Xia Wen Ran. We did not move for minutes. Just staring each other.

When it turned to be awkward, I pulled my sight off her and glared her like the boss-b I am. Heh.

Walking with another two servants, I gave Xia Wen Ran one last glance, before walked away from the space with a proud look in my face. Seemed like I am a great character in this story! I mean, this novel would have surely been a top sale if this is how the story flows -- with me as the main character.

Sheesh, get over yourself, Andrea!

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