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Aurelia wakes up, exhausted but energized at the same time. She turns off her TV, shutting off Gossip Girl. She rubs her eyes, and checks her phone. She has a few missed calls and texts from Damon Salvatore. The texts were basically saying, 'Come and see me, I want to see if you're really alive.'

She puts on a pair of dark blue jeans, with an all black longsleeve, that shows her neckline. She puts on a pair of sneakers. She puts on her favourite necklace that her mother made for her, and completes her look with some additional gold jewellery.

After getting ready, she heads out of her cozy little home, gets in her car, and drives towards the Salvatore boarding house.

When she reaches the Salvatore house, she knocks on the door. Damon opens it and his jaw drops a little. "You're really not dead. I thought I killed you." He says, looking at her, like she's not real and she's just a ghost.

"Yea, well you thought wrong. I'm the Tribrid, Damy. And you're lucky to be alive right now. I would have torn you limb for limb, nerve for nerve, atom for atom, and then heal you to just do it all over again." She says to Damon, making her voice seem sincerely threatening.

Damon squints, "You're scary." He backs off and lets her in. She pushes past him and pushes him into the wall, intentionally. And uses her magic to stab a wooden stick into his side. Damon grunts, "I guess I deserved that." He hisses as he pulls out the wooden stick and throws it on the ground. Aurelia rolls her eyes, "Oh you deserve more than that. You're lucky that, for some stupid reason, Klaus wants you alive, so that Stefan stays focused on his responsibility."

"Huh... I guess you should tell Klaus that I'm flattered." Damon laughs, not showing that he's a bit scared and intimidated by the Tribrid.

Aurelia rolls her eyes and walks into the living room.

Then she spots Stefan, "Huh.. so this is what you do on your free time. I always thought you would be putting on more gel and fixing up your hero hair. Not feeding on some.. knock off, whoever they are.." Aurelia says, in attempt to make the compelled vampire, smile. Damon snorts.

He looks at her with a blank face, "These ladies are helping me be all that I can be." As soon as Damon was going to comeback with a snarky comment, someone knocks on the door. "Ugh, who is at the door." Damon scoffs and walks to the door and opens it.

The person pushes past Damon, with a handfull of shopping bags. The person has a nice figure and flowy golden hair. "Where's Stefan?" The person calls out. Aurelia turns to face the voice and her eyes widen, what is she still doing here? I thought she would have gone with Klaus? Damon looks at her, judgementally, "Who the hell are you."

Rebekah ignores him, "He left me here. My brother actually left me here." Aurelia is standing idle to the side, and Stefan rolls his eyes. Damon is still eyeing the blonde, not knowing who the hell she thinks she is to waltz right into his home. "Oh i'm sorry. Your tone implies that I actually care."

Damon puts the pieces together, "You're Klaus' sister?" Rebekah looks back at him and eyes him, "Rebekah, pleasure. I'm sure. Which one is my room." Stefan scoffs, "You're not staying here."

The blonde looks at Damon, "Rude. Both of you. Ill see to it myself." She walks towards the staircase, but is stopped by Aurelias hand, "Like hell I'm letting you stay here. Nope, you're staying with me." Aurelia says, not leaving Rebekah any room to argue. "Aury." Rebekah whispers.

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