509. Palace banquet (7)-Imperial Uncle, Can You Give Me That?

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

In the imperial study, Fuan Palace, the emperor Yan Shengrui was burying his head in his dragon table examining those memorials. How many mistakes he had made, at least as an emperor, he was quite diligent. As long as it was something beneficial to the civilians, he'd all approve, and ask people to deal with it promptly. Like how to tame the inner sea, suggestions on the agricultural reformation or the promotion of Hanling Academy, all of which were proposed by Chu Yunhan. And now, each of them had been implemented now.

"Your Majesty, Highness Sheng and Lord Zeng are here."

The general eunuch Zhang Dezi walked in from outside and whispered by his ear.

"What are they doing here?"

Raising his head, Yan Shengrui apparently looked upset. Till now, he was still mad at the thing the other day, plus his crown princess had offended Her Empress Dowager, even when he went to pay respect to Her Empress Dowager, Her Empress Dowager gave him her face, so he felt quite frustrated these days. If possible, he only wished that he'd go back to the boards again. Out of sight our of mind. But, the thing was he had just won a big victory and there were no wars at the boarders now. As a result, he'd have to face him before the court meeting every morning. So, instead of disappearing, the frustration grew denser in his heart.

"His Highness said he brought the little dukes here to pay respect to Your Majesty. And Lord Zeng said he missed you."

After saying that, Zheng Dezi hurriedly lowered his head. Even a fool knew, how would Zeng Shaoqing ever miss him? But since he said so, he could only report it that way.

"He missed me? Fine, let them in."

His Majesty was not stupid. How would he not know Zeng Shaoqing was talking nonsense? Waving his hand helplessly, he was so speechless about this cousin.

"Greetings, imperial elder brother."

Soon, Yan Shengrui and Zeng Shaoqing walked in holding the two little buns separately. Without the adult telling them to, the two little buns obediently knelt down, "Greetings, imperial uncle."

The same faces, the same movements, the same words, except that the color of their clothes was a bit different, the two kids were exactly the same. Looking at them, Yan Shengzhi kind of fell in a daze. Over twenty years ago, there was also a little kid who resembled them always called him imperial elder brother this and that, right? At the time, he was still so cute, though a bit naughty, he was such a smart and lively younger brother, but now...his eyes couldn't help sweeping over at Yan Shengrui, Yan Shengzhi couldn't help making a deep sigh. But now, he was already no longer that cute kid.

"Imperial uncle, don't you like us?"

The small bun kneeling on the ground saw that he gave no response after quite a while, but only watched their father keeping sighing there, without waiting him to allow them to stand up, he got up himself and ran before him, looking up at him with his head tilted. Seeing that, the big bun also got up, and before Yan Shengrui opened his mouth, he reproached him with a deep face, "Don't make a fuss here. Did you forget what daddy said? No one has to like you. We are not imperial uncle's sons, it's only normal he doesn't like us. It's enough as long as father doesn't like us. It's enough as long as father and daddy like us."

"Is that so?"

Eyes turning red, Ling Wu turned to Yan Shengzhi again, like 'accusing' of him, which made Yan Shengrui, as the emperor and a senior, feel uneasy. He hurriedly pulled him up while comforting him, "No, it's not like that. It's just I couldn't react on seeing you all of a suddenly. It's not that I don't like you."

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