505. The Palace Banquet (3)

201 11 2

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

The palace banquet was held in Qionghua Palace, and on the way there, of every certain distance stood a bowl-thick iron pestle, inlaid with goose-egg-size luminous pearls for light, like street lights in modern times. As it had almost entered winter now, plus the capital was in the north, it was quite cold already, and night also fell early. Only at about six, it was almost totally dark outside.

The carriage pulled before Qionghua Palace. Seeing it was the carriage of His Highness Sheng, the maids on both sides hurriedly walked over. The leading two maids looked unperturbed, and their actions were smooth and graceful, their gestures and expressions all revealed the imperial family's unique demeanor.

"Greetings, my prince, my crown princess and little dukes."

Ling Yun and others in the carriage behind jumped off first. As they brushed open the curtain, those palace maids all knelt down. And those officials and their families who had arrived there all made bows at them. As Yan Shengrui came out, the dark-colored court costume plus the golden dragon with its four claws brandishing embroidered on it, he instantly gave one that kind of domineering and overwhelming feeling. A lot of unmarried daughters and those young ladies from those big families blushed. But to those admiring eyes, Yan Shengrui chose to ignore them all. After jumping off the carriage, he stretched out a hand to support his wife down.

The bright red first-rank costume dazzled a lot of people's eyes. When Ling Jingxuan appeared in their sight, it caused some turmoil in the crowd. Long ago, rumors about Crown Princess Sheng had spread through all those big families. And these days, it had reached its peak. And what came along with his name was all objectives like vulgar farmer, monster, demon, heartless and bloodthirsty...But now seeing him in person, no one could really connect him with those words at all. The first-rank costume was the symbol of identity and power to someone like him. Except Her Empress Dowager and Her Empress, only Crown Princess Sheng had such an honor. If it was only a common farmer, one would have already been drowned under such luxurious clothes and became people's laughing stock. But those who saw him all had some kind of strange feeling. Instead of being overshadowed by those luxurious clothes, those luxurious clothes served as a foil instead.

He deliberately stood on the carriage to overlook those people around, all the officials wore court costumes, and their wives all wore noble dressed. Seen from afar, it was like a riot of colors. And because some women wore too heavy makeup, you couldn't even see their facial features. Now, those people were in threes or fives sizing him up and down. Ling Jingxuan slightly curved his lips. And then, under Yan Shengrui's support, he stepped on the back of the eunuch and got off. Then, the two of them held the two little buns down. And the little buns' appearance also stirred some sensation. The first son of Highness Sheng was undoubtedly the object everyone tried to suck up to.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. It was also applicative to humans. Except the relatives connected with the imperial family by marriage, those civil officials were on one side while those military officials were on the other side. And those outer relatives, meritorious officials and clan relatives stood alone there. So were their wives and sons and daughters, in threes or fives. Even those who were on good terms only nodded as saying hello.

"My prince, my crown princess."

Those military officials all respected Yan Shengrui. So, seeing them, they all brought their wives and kids to surround them. Withdrawing the composure before outsiders, Yan Shengrui smiled at them. They were only buddies who had gone through fire and water together, so there was no superior or subordinates here. Those rules in the palace were bullsh*t in their eyes.

"Big brother!"

A strong female voice suddenly inserted into the middle of them, the crowd made way, and Ye Ruyun who rarely got dressed up came over with a tough man about in his 30s. Guessing he should be Ye Ruyun's father General Ye, Ling Jingxuan nodded at them with a faint smile, "General Ye, Ruyun."

"General Ye, Aunt Ruyun!"

Seeing that, the two little buns also called obediently. Two nearly the same faces, clothes nearly of the same color, someone who was unfamiliar with them really couldn't tell who is whom.

"My crown princess, my little dukes."

After all, so many outsiders were there, General Ye shouldn't act overexcited, it was just that pair of tiger eyes sold him out already. Those eyes were filled with thousands of words. Heaven knew how he wished he could shake hands with him and express his gratitude. Thanks to his younger brother, otherwise, his old daughter could only stay by his side forever.

"Save it, General Ye. I will go visit you in person on behalf of my younger brother some other day."

People in the army all knew that Ye Ruyun and Ling Jingpeng had been engaged, so he did not have to hide, besides, he was quite satisfied with this sister-in-law.

"Haha! Welcome! Welcome! I will wait for your arrival then!"

General Ye laughed reflectively, and soon realized he had performed overexcited, so he faked a few coughs and resumed his elegance. Ye Ruyun threw a stare at her old man, then took a few steps forward and touched the little buns affectionately, then raised her head and said to Ling Jingxuan, "Big brother, ignore my dad. He is a rough man, and doesn't know those rules."

As those words came out, Ling Jingxuan nearly couldn't hold himself from laughing. And the two little buns covered their mouth snickering. Was that like a rough person despising another rough person? It seemed Ye Ruyun had forgotten she herself was no better than her dad.

"It's fine, I..."

"Crown Princess Hua is here!"

I'll try my best to update everyday but only one or two chapters per day. But I think mostly one chapter, I guess.

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