Episode 10: The End is Here!

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"Be careful out there, Wukong.."
"Sunflower.. be safe for me.."
Y/n and Mk drove through the.. city? Everything was so dark and had this light blue aura around it.

"What happened here?" Y/n looked around at the partly destroyed city.

They stop at Pigsy's Noodles, the sign out front was all damaged.

"Hey! Guess who back from training and you guys won't believe.." Mk started but stopped as the two both saw strange looking bull clones.

They had blue accents instead of yellow and red ones. Their eyes and mouths glowed blue as they growled like zombies.

"Oh my, this.. feeling is certainly familiar.." Y/n grips his own staff as he looks around at the bull clones surrounding them.

One landed right in front of them and out of precaution Y/n raised up a shield. The Bull Clones jumped in the air preparing to launch an attack against the sheild. But luckly Pigsy's Noodle Truck crashes into the Clones, packing them all up into a ball and sending then flying. Y/n lets out a sigh of relief and lowers the shield.

Mei, Sandy, Tang, Mo, and Pigsy, where all around the car in complete different outfits.

"Thank goodness you all are alright." Y/n smiles softly. Mei jumps down in front of the two.

"Guys! Ohohoh! You look so awesome!" Mk expresses.

"Yeah.. so uh some stuff happened while you two were away. And it got kinda intense."

"I forgotten about how quickly things could go wrong.." Y/n said as he looked at the young women.

"So what happened?" Mk asked.

"Well after you and Y/n left.." Mei started but Tang slid on in while clearing is throat.

"If you'll allow me." Mei groaned and rolled her eyes but allowed Tang to explain. "Well after you two left, the Bull Clones. But they were different. More powerful than before. We believe it's all tied back to the Demon Bull King himself. Mk, Y/n, he's conquered everything."

"Where is he? Where is DBK?" Mk asked with a determined stare.

"We're not sure." Sandy and Pigsy turned to the mountain that was surrounded with anonymous clouds, swirling forever in a circle.

"This.. feels familiar but I can't put my finger on it." Y/n stares up at the mountain.

"Also before we go do anything dangerous and daring. Y/n where did that sunflower staff come from." Tang asked.

"It's a bit of a long story and-" Y/n started.

"Turns out Y/n was part of this group known as The Ancients! And he was known as Pv back then and the Ancient of Pureness! And his staff is basically living! And Y/n and the Monkey King are dating!" Mk rambled.

"Wait dating?" Mei looked to Y/n while sighed.

"I'll explain everything in more detail after we sort this out."

And off the group went to the mountain.

———With DBK———

DBK let's out maniacal laughter as he stares through a screen, broken ground with a blue shine is all around. "Look at how they cower and run! With this power, even the Great Sage could not stop me!" DBK clenches his fist as PIF stands behind him, staring at the blue liquid and skull filled tank on DBK's back.."

PIF was about to say something but as always Red Son slides on over. "Yes! Father, we have finally taken our rightful place as the rulers of city!" Red Son was a about to start laughing but an alarm started to blare on the screen DBK was watching.

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