⁛≻Chapter 6≺⁛

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◸Chapter 6: The Punishment◿

It was dark and Renjun had no idea where he was

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It was dark and Renjun had no idea where he was. He could only see that he was standing in between two tall, twelve feet bushes. It was insanely cold but Renjun could feel sweat beading on his forehead. 

The only way to move was forward and backward. But strangely enough, Renjun couldn't move a single bit. His breaths got raspy as he was desperate to move at all. 

Instead all he heard was the ground beneath him cracking. He looked down as the cracks deepened and the ground gave away. 

His eyes widened as he fell and hit ice cold water. 

Renjun jerked awake, heavy breaths leaving his lips. He ran a hand through his hair. 

Renjun: What the hell?

He sighed and sat there for a moment. 

Ever since Renjun discovered his power, it drained him off his life every day. He had no idea whether he was dreaming or whether he was seeing visions of the future.

Pushing himself off the bed, Renjun washed his face before staring at himself in the mirror. He couldn't see much but a little light passed through the bars from the window of his door. Outside he could hear the guards take loud steps because of their heavy gear. It was probably still late into the night. 

He sighed again before sitting on his bed. 

Renjun would never admit it out loud but he knew that he was slowly going crazy.


Chenle had always been observant. He noticed the subtle changes in his surroundings, the shifts in people's behaviour, and the nuances that often went unnoticed by others. He had to thank his powers for that. 

So the shock that hit was quite hard when he saw both Jaemin and Jisung together. Jisung didn't look too comfortable but Jaemin was quite nonchalant. Of course, Chenle didn't say anything but Hana had a lot to say.

 Hana: Why is he being so stupid? Is he asking to fail by hanging out with a green? First the match. Then this?

Chenle just shrugged and Hana groaned and turned away. He turned to her as she reached the exit of the lunch hall. 

Chenle: Where are you going? Its lunch time!

Hana: I can't stand him.

She just muttered before completely leaving. Chenle on the other hand turned back to Jaemin and Jisung. Jaemin was busy chattering away while Jisung looked anxious. Chenle tilted his head, before narrowing his eyes on Jisung. As if sensing the stare, the younger looked over, meeting Chenle's eyes.

The second their eyes locked, Chenle smirked before using his powers.

Who knew stopping the pills would give me both Euphoria and quality time with Jaemin out of all people?

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