Chapter 25 - My Damn Self

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After bathing, Isadora had Luciana help her dress. "I do appreciate you lending me one of your dresses. Once I get back, I will repay you. Promise."

"Don't you worry about that my Princess. You can show me gratitude by coming to visit a friend," explained Luciana sweetly. She finally had finished lacing up the corset and went to look at her face. "There. I hope you are feeling a bit more normal in the dress."

Isadora laughed, "Yes. With your help no doubt," she turned into the mirror, "Thank you."

Luciana smiled at her through the mirror and turned to face her, "May I ask something?"

"Anything, it's just us."

"I do apologize for my bluntness Princess but, why are you here? Are you looking for the Crown Prince?"

Isa looked down at her hands, "Yes."

"Why? Princess, there are some things going on in the capitol right now... I don't know how to explain it but, I can feel it in my bones", she rubbed her arms as if she were cold. "This will make you look suspicious, plus it is not safe for you out here."

Luciana took the Princess' hands and looked at her. "I am looking for him because there was only one purpose for me and he took it with him."

"My darling, the story you are trying to write is not for him, it is for you. It is YOUR story."

"So, you have seen him? He was here?" said Isadora.

"Listen to me", Luci grabbed Isa's hands firmly, "this is more than you. This is more than him. I believe, your union was a ruse. His father is guilty of something. I do not know what, but that man is dangerous. His wife UNEXPECTEDLY died, and not a single day of mourning? Surely that rang some bells in the Prince's head, and he ran for a reason."

"I do not what else to say-"

A soft knock came to the door and a young soldier came into view, "Dinner is ready, My Ladies."

They headed down to dinner where a small table was set for the two women and the Major and one of his right hand men. Silverware and simple glasses were set, the men slid the chairs out for the ladies and a cook came out with a wonderful smelling stew. "One of the units is in charge of our small patch of vegetables. The beef comes from a local farmer who takes great pride in his small herd", said the second in command.

"Truly great work", Isa took a bite of the beef and with a mouthful said, "the beef is like butter." They all laughed.

The small group talked about the new training that has been implemented for the new recruits coming in. Once they were done eating, the second in command excused himself and left. "Well, I do believe we have a serious discussion in order, no?" said the Major.

Isadora replied, "I believe we do." The two women followed the Major into a cellar, where the soldier's prized possession was held: ale and wine.

"I apoligize for the choice of scenery ladies, but there is really nowhere else that is safe to talk about this matter", he said as he barricaded the two doors that were the only entrances into the cellar.

"It is quite alright, I guess", replied Luciana.

The group stood in a triangle and the Major looked at the Princess, "With all labels aside, I know I am not your father, but what the hell were you thinking coming here all by yourself?"

Luciana looked at him in shock, "I beg your finest fucking pardon. You cannot speak to her that way. She is the next Queen."

Isadora laughed and smiled at Luciana, "It is ok Luci. I promise. He is part of the family", then she looked at Finn.

"I have a letter written up, right now, ready to be sent to your father. Do you know the hell I will receive for this?" he finished looking scared.

"I know you know something. I know he was here. It is apparent. I need to know where he is."

Poor Luciana was looking back and forth between the two as they were talking.

"Like hell you do. Why are you looking for him? Do you already love him so? I know you've seen him already," said the Major.

"And, how would you know that Major? Who have you been talking to?" Isadora stared hard at him. "Only us girls would know that and Pen already hates your guts, the only one left would be...Violet?! You have been sending letters to VIOLET?!"

Finn looked scared, as if his darkest secrets have now been brought to light. "Now..." holding out his hands, "hold on. Do not come to conclusions!"

"OH! I will most certainly will, SIR!" Isadora was now laughing.

"Alright, you know my secret, tell my why I should not have my men hold you in your quarters, send your father that letter to come and get you himself," asked the Finn.

"You will not!" Luciana pointed a finger to Finn.

He stood there with his hands on his hips and lightly tapping his toe. Isadora now had her arms folded and looked up at him with her chin up. "Well," said Finn, "go on. Explain yourself. It is the least you can do. Make a safe point with us," he pointed between himself and Luciana.

Isa sighed, "Cannot believe you and Violet have been telling each other secrets," she looked back up at him and smiled, "but I did see him once."

Finn pinched his nose, "It was just that one time, but the instant our eyes met...I just felt something. A magnetic pull? Or...some sort of magic? I didn't understand it, still don't."
Finn and Luci looked at each other.
"I don't know. I just-All my life I have been working towards this. To be working so hard, training, etiquettes, and all of that to be fit for Queendom. For it to just......disappear."

Luciana took Isa's hands into hers, "I told you. You're free now. Why don't you take this chance, and make choices of your own now?"

Finn was twiddling his fingers, "I've never understood why it is that women have been treated so...I give orders for a living but I can see women have had it harder. Isadora, I understand where you are coming from. We hear you. But this...THIS is a chance for you to make decisions for yourself," he pointed to the ground. "Trust me, I have seen my fair share of damsels who have had it worse. Much worse than you. We just don't want to see you suffer. Not after everything that's unfolding."

Isadora straightened her back, "What do you mean 'everything unfolding'?"
Finn took another big sigh, "No other better time to tell you this but the reason the Prince left is because of the King. I believe a war is coming. The King's personal army making rounds and popping up from nowhere 'checking on things', not normal. There is civil unease in the Capitol."

Both women stood up straight with mouth hanging open. Finn held his hands up, "I don't know what is going on or what will happen but he disappeared for a reason, Princess. He doesn't want to be found. He left. I can give you an estimate of where he MIGHT be but other than that, I do not know exactly where he is. That is if you want to know. His limits...have reached a new maximum and he couldn't take it anymore. What he is or isn't planning I do not know. IF you ever find him."

She let go of Luciana to come face to face with Finn. "Does he know about all the unrest in this kingdom? Does he know what he left behind?"
Finn looked up and nodded.
"I need the map. If anyone knows how to stop whatever is going on, it's him. Marriage or not, he made his choice to walk away and I choose my people. I'm doing this for them. And for my fucking self."

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