Prologue: The Transformation

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A young high school girl came home from school with her Leafeon, Umbreon, Sylveon and Lavender Popple by her side. Her name was Kiera. Her partners are Camilla, Luna, Star and Pretty Bit.

Kiera: What a very exhausting school day. The tests almost wore me out.

Pretty Bit: We're home now. So you can relax.

Kiera nodded at her Popple companion and went to get her red water bottle to get some flavored water. She came back, sat on her bed and played shield on her switch to find some shiny Eevees and its Eeveelutions.

Kiera (In her mind): I really wish I can become a female Eevee so I can see what it's like being one.

Suddenly, a portal appeared under her and suck her and her 4 companions in it.

The 5 now woke up to find themselves in a black background.

Luna: Where are we?

Star: (notices her owner's hand and shrieks) Your hand!

Kiera look at her hands to her horror, they become brown paws.

She then collapsed on her knees at pain started to form in her transformation.

Kiera: (In pain) What's happening to me?!

Her ears became long brown fox ears. Her feet also became brown paws. A creamy mane appeared on her neck. Her nose shrank and became black. Her eyes also became beady black with white dots inside of them and her blue eyes under the black. Her teeth became small fangs and a brown fox tail with a creamy heart shaped pattern sprouted from her pants. She then shrink down with her clothing becoming too large for her small body. 

When the transformation was complete, the former human step out of her large clothes and looked at her 3 Eeveelutions.

Kiera: Camilla. Luna. Star. How did you girls get so big?

Camilla: We didn't became bigger. You shrunk and turned into an Eevee.

Kiera looked at her now small furry body and she was an Eevee.

Kiera (Shocked): I'm an Eevee! And I'm naked too!

Then a bright light shined on the 5 and Pretty Bit's whole body became inhabited by the light and it teleported them somewhere else.

This is a start of a new adventure for the girls and their new friends.

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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