CHAPTER 23: Heart wrenching

Start from the beginning

 ''It is true.'' Akatami said. ''She has completed her job, here on earth.'' Akatami said, holding her own bowl of soup up to her lips.

 Wieon's eyes could be seen as glassy. Kaede continued to comfort Eiko, regardless of the energy that began to stir up in the room. Ayame had continued to lock eyes on Akatami, enraged. ''But the girl said I have to find my actual purpose, beside this...'' Ayame said, tearing up. ''This is your purpose.'' Akatami said, empathetic.

 Ayame turned around, enraged, running out of the room quickly. ''AYAME! WAIT...'' Wieon yelled, launching out of the chair to follow behind her. Akatami watched.

 ''AYAME! PLEASE... COME BACK! We aren't supposed to be out here...'' Wieon yelled as she chased Ayame down. Ayame continued to run, back to the pond. ''PLEASE!'' Wieon yelled, but she stopped in her tracks; watching Ayame fall to her knees right in front of the pond. Ayame pushed her palms into her eyes, letting out tears of sorrow.

 'Wieon gasped, rushing over to Ayame, sitting close to her; deciding to hug her. Ayame had lost it all, it seemed. ''Sh... You aren't alone.'' Wieon said, hugging onto Ayame tightly as she cried. ''I'm tired of this, all of this...'' Ayame said, her voice cracking with each word she tried her hardest to say but it almost came out in gibberish. 

''What...?'' Wieon said. ''I am tired of this...'' Ayame said, no longer covering her eyes, proud of the tears that ran down her face. ''What are you tired of.?'' Wieon questioned, out of curiosity.

 Ayame clenched her lips. ''I'm tired of feeling this way, disconnected from the people I love the most... because I have no one.'' Ayame said. Wieon went quiet. She knew what Ayame felt. ''Ayame...'' Wieon said. Ayame bobbed her head gently.

 ''I can come with you...'' Wieon said. Ayame shook her head, turning towards Wieon to look her in the eyes. ''You can't come with me; your mom won't allow it.'' Ayame said, wiping away her tears. Wieon's eyes grew big, but then went small. ''...'' Ayame turned away, facing the pond once again. ''My own mother didn't want me... I don't know why.'' Ayame whispered.

 ''But the girl in the portal did.'' Ayame mumbled. Wieon looked at her. ''Ever since you went through that portal, I've felt so strongly connected to you... I don't know why.'' Wieon said, as tears began to build up in her eyes.

 ''I've never had a friend as close as you... and I don't want you to go either... none of us do.'' Wieon said, as tears began to pour down her cheeks. Ayame could tell Wieon had tried hardly to hold back her tears, but she couldn't. She wasn't strong enough. ''I'm sorry.'' Ayame said, holding her head down. Wieon looked at her, as tears poured down her cheeks, she wiped them away. ''Now what...?'' Wieon whispered.

 Ayame held her head up, turning her head to look at Wieon. ''You know you can't come with me... note that.'' Ayame said, adding a chuckle. Wieon nodded. ''But... I 'am a lost soul... just like you.'' Wieon said, confused. ''Listen... You will have to talk to Akatami about it... But I'm not saying a word to her...'' Ayame said. ''Let's go back in.'' Wieon said, getting off of her knees slowly, but Ayame pulled at her pants gently. ''Wait.'' Ayame said. 

''Hm?'' / ''We can go back to the forest... they probably won't care much.'' / ''That isn't a good idea, especially at this moment. It's almost dark.'' Wieon said. ''True. 'Where did you guys go? and who are you.'' Eiko questioned, as she stirred the bowl of soup gently, sitting at the couch. Kaede sat next to her, rubbing her back gently.

 ''We went down to the pond.'' Ayame said, standing next to Eiko. Akatami had sat on the bed, scrolling on her phone. ''Guys, I may have to go back home. Ryongi needs me.'' Akatami said. Eiko had chosen to respond. ''You do you, we'll be here waiting.'' Eiko looked up at Ayame. ''Hello Ayame...'' Eiko said gently. Kaede had also looked up at Ayame, whose eyes were red and puffy. ''Is everything okay?'' Eiko said, a bit concerned. Ayame crossed her arms.

 ''I was worried about you.'' Ayame admitted. Eiko smiled, turning her face to Kaede. ''Yup.'' Kaede nodded, ''I was too.'' Kaede agreed, turning her head back to Ayame, and so did Eiko.

 ''Mom.'' Ayame said, crossing her arms even tighter, and her throat began to close. ''Yes?'' Eiko said, tilting her head gently. ''You knew I was a lost soul, didn't you.'' Ayame said, her voice cold as stone and hard as rock. ''Ayame.'' Eiko said, her voice also turning cold. 

''I tried to save you.'' Eiko said. Kaede gasped. ''You knew...?'' Kaede said, her eyes wide. ''You did know... why come you never told me.'' Ayame said, clearly shocked. ''I never told you because it would only bring you closer to your fate, and it did.'' Eiko said.

 ''One reason why I never grew attached to you, because I knew your mother. and how cold hearted she was.'' Eiko said, turning her head as her eyes began to water. ''She told me what we'd go through as a family if you'd ever find out.'' Eiko continued, but quickly went quiet. 'Ayame stared at them both. ''You knew her, what was she like when you met her...?'' Ayame asked, as tears began to pour down her cheeks. 

''She was cold.'' Eiko said. Ayame stared into her eyes, afraid of what she was going to say next. ''And.?'' Ayame mumbled. ''She did not want you, but I did.'' Eiko said, closing her eyes and shaking her head. ''This is what curiosity does to you.'' Eiko said. Kaede had continued to rub her back gently. Wieon watched. ''...'' Ayame had no words to say. ''Why did you choose to adopt me...'' Ayame said. Eiko had opened her eyes. ''Because I wanted to save you, but once you disappeared that night, I knew I wasn't going to be able too.'' Eiko said. Ayame had felt sorrow, once again. ''How many days left?'' Eiko questioned, holding back her regret. Ayame turned away from them both. ''Three days.'' Ayame said as the sun began to set. Ayame had chosen to watch the sun set for the first time in what felt like forever. ''You...saved us.'' Eiko said gently.

 ''I know.'' Ayame said. Wieon had got of her chair, walking over to Ayame to comfort her. She hugged her, as they both watched out of the window, watching the sun set. ''Is there anything else?'' Kaede questioned, ''Is this the end of the story?'' Kaede said, eagerly.

 Ayame had no idea, Wieon had turned to them. ''Akatami texted me and told me we'll have to go to the portal the day after tomorrow.'' Wieon whispered.

 ''We'll have to finish the sacrifice, otherwise she'll suffer...'' Eiko's eyes began to water. Kaede's eyes also began to water. ''What time?'' Kaede whispered.

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