CHAPTER 23: Heart wrenching

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Eiko laid on one of the girl's beds. She was cold, so they warmed her up with a few blankets they found in their closet. 

''When will she be awake?'' Ayame whispered as she sat on the couch. 

''I'm not sure...'' Kaede snapped. ''She was in that cold room for all that time... there is no telling.'' Akatami said. 

''We don't know if they've starved her or not, or what they've done to her...'' Ayame yelled. 

''Both of you shut it.'' Akatami said. Kaede was going to yell back, but she knew it wasn't worth her time. 

''Your mother is okay, she's breathing.'' Akatami reassured. Wieon had sat on a small chair by the kitchen, scrolling on her phone. 

''Well-'' Ayame said, losing her words. ''Ayame.'' Wieon said, glancing up from her phone. ''Suzuka Nakamoto... She just posted her new song Babymetal (Sakurairo)'' Wieon said, with a smile. Ayame quickly lifted off of the couch. 

''REALLY?'' Ayame yelled. ''Sh...'' Kaede said, pressing her lips together as she hovered over her mother. ''Let me listen to it.'' Ayame insisted. Wieon nodded her head. ''Here.'' She said gently, handing Ayame her ear plugs.

 ''Kaede...'' Eiko whispered, blinking her eyes open and close slowly. She winced as Kaede jumped up, rushing over to her quickly, filled with concern.

 ''MOM!'' Kaede yelled, brushing the palm of her hand alongside her mother's cheek. ''Dear lord... they've starved me...'' Eiko mumbled. Kaede's eyes became small. ''Mom... shh... we'll get you some food now, actually...'' Kaede said, looking around. Akatami was already in the kitchen, stirring a pot of red beef stew. ''AKATAMI, A BOWL OF SOUP, PLEASE...'' Kaede yelled. Akatami quickly turned her head back, ''She's awake already...?'' Akatami questioned, grabbing a bowl slowly out of the pantry. Kaede snapped at Akatami, for no reason. 

''YES! JUST. HURRY.'' Kaede said, clenching her teeth together. Ayame had already noticed, as she was listening to a few of Wieon's favorite songs, she turned her neck back to look out of curiosity. ''What's wrong...?'' Wieon said, taking one of the earplugs out of her ear as she scrolled on a social media app.

 Ayame had raised off the chair, rushing toward Kaede and Eiko. Kaede had whispered, on her knees to Eiko, rubbing her palms alongside her cheek. Eiko had turned her head towards Ayame once she came over. Ayame's heart sank, dropping down to her feet. ''I...'' Ayame said gently, kneeling next to Kaede who looked eager and disturbed.

 ''Mom...'' Ayame said, placing her hand gently on top of the blanket Eiko was underneath. Eiko had spoken slowly, and her cheeks were thin, and her cheekbones were very exposed. Akatami had finally came over with the bowl of warm soup. 

''Now that she is up, we'll only have to wait for her to recover before we take you back to your home.'' Akatami said, placing the bowl of soup on a table next to Kaede. Ayame had locked eye contact with Akatami, as she began to boil over with rage. 

''What do you mean 'wait. '?'' Ayame said, getting up quickly as she locked eyes on Akatami. Akatami did not respond but continued to lock eyes with Ayame. ''I only have a few days to live.'' Ayame said, her voice clear as day. Akatami turned her head.

 ''That's right.'' Akatami said, with a cold voice. Ayame could only watch. ''Mom.'' Wieon said, her voice fragile and breaking with each word.

 ''You only have three and a half days left...'' Akatami said, sitting on the couch. Wieon dropped her earplugs, letting them hang beside her legs as they were still connected to her cell phone.

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