Her brother Antonio shook his empty beer bottle. Zo dismissed him, silently laughing inside at his irritation.

Her mother tapped Zoraida's butt. "Those are ready."

"Ma, no. Why can't Antonio do it?"

She wanted to desperately stomp her feet in protest but those tactics never worked on her mother, Maria.

A chuckle was heard from the couch. The TV wasn't loud enough to cover her brother's laughter at her expense. "Because I don't sit in an office all day talking and pressing keys. Some of us have to work hard in the sun."

Zo rolled her eyes. It's the same old excuse. Somehow getting a college education and earning to work in favorable conditions made her work "easy." It would never be as labor-intensive as theirs. She had to be thoughtful.

On most days, it wouldn't bother her. She loved helping her mother in the kitchen and adored how her father immediately would say to sit after. But she hated those dumb chicken tacos and was not in the mood to get burned. Seemed like that had happened one too many times today.

Her mother clapped her hands to shake off the chicken shreds in between her fingers. She nodded her head in disagreement. "Don't start with any of that feminism stuff. It's cause your brother a pendejo and my kitchen clean."

The living room echoed with laughter. She adored her parents and grandparents' efforts to speak English more. With that answer alone, Zoraida was persuaded enough to grab the tongs.

Dinner was one of her favorite parts of the day. She loved eating and laughing with everyone. Many cons are present living with a large family but dinner was not one of them. She enjoyed hearing and sharing each other's day.

Unfortunately, it's been a year since Zo had left several details out to the family. She would never be able to explain how she met scottman69. She was certain they would criticize and lecture her about dating online so she kept him a secret.

The weight of secrecy tumbled her down. There was no escaping the hole she had dug herself in. Scott Fraser was Scottman69. She was a solid eighty percent confident.

Ten percent of doubt came from Scott's reprimand in the elevator. Scottman69 never talked down to Zo. He would read every word she wrote and appropriately respond. To Zo, it seemed like he was intrigued by her day-to-day problems.

Not in a malicious type of way rather he was curious about what shaped Zoraida. He wanted to understand what gave such a petite woman the courage to give him constructive criticism. Except, nothing about Zo was small.

She was a solid 5'8, roughly 180 pounds. Although she was not an obese woman, subtle stretch marks adorned her stomach. Her thighs touched and her breasts were average. Not too big. Not too small.

Zo felt heard and radiant with scottman69 despite never meeting eye to eye. On the other hand, Scott Fraser wanted to shame Zo for not knowing an unusual rule on her first day.

The other ten percent she awarded was based on his business status. Why would the CEO of a billion-dollar company be on a dating app?

He shouldn't have a shortage of women. He was rich and infuriatingly gorgeous. A typical CEO would keep his private life a secret. Most importantly, she would imagine that they would not be advertising their favorite sexual position.

He did not look like a giver. Although, Zo could not get the image out of her head. He was the forbidden fruit and she pondered whether he was acquainted with sin.

There was no sharing for her at dinner today. She ate, washed her plate, and dismissed herself to her room. The unknown was driving her insane.

Even after a long shower, her mind wondered. The computer stared at her, begging her to use its functions. She stood up in front of the computer. Her legs shaking. Nails at the ready.

She brought her thumb to her mouth and bit down. "Just a peek. Maybe, he isn't online anymore." She coerced herself.

She sat, logged on, and noticed the green button near his picture. He was online. She did not want to think about who he was talking to. Clearly, she gave him too much importance.

Frustrated, she gave her back to the screen. The familiar ding halted her breathing. She swung her feet around and the rolling chair turned fast. Her butt was close to meeting the floor.

Scottman69: I've been waiting for you.

Zo shouldn't reply, but she convinced herself that it was much-needed research. She needs to find out if scottman69 is her boss.

Zobaby: My resignation has been accepted.

Scottman69: A two-week notice was supposed to be given.

Zoraida smiled at the screen. He was trying to buy time with her.

Zobaby: I apologize I didn't give enough time for a replacement.

Scottman69: I'm afraid your work was cherished and finding someone to take your place will be hard. Can I entice you to stay?

Her heart swooned. The feeling was mutual. There would be no replacement for scottman69. Nevertheless, Zo could not stay without telling him the truth. She might have done it, if now her job wasn't at stake.

The possibility that he is the boss was too high. He would not want her in his workforce when he became aware of her lies. Like all problems, she needs to get the best data before solving the issue.

Zobaby: Can I be honest with you?

Scottman69: I thought it was a given.

Zobaby: I want to know more about you before I even consider meeting you.

Zoraida had to play the part of a frightened woman. It was fear that was keeping her away from him. She needed him to believe it. Only then would he give more answers.

Scottman69: I would have never made you meet me in private. It would have been done on your terms.

Zobaby: Before I can set them, indulge me with some answers.

Scottman69: If you do the same.

Zobaby: A question for a question?

Scottman69: Ladies first.

Zo had to be very careful not to give herself away or make him suspicious.

Zobaby: What color are your eyes?

Scottman69: How is this going to give you a piece of mind to meet me?

Zobaby: You can tell a lot about a person's eyes.

The reality is that while scottman69's eyes are a mystery,  Scott Fraser had a distinct eye color. They were not brown all the way. The light reflected green in the hue. It could be categorized as hazel but it was not constant. They morph with the light.

Zoraida was so pleased with the CEO's eyes. The green had made him gentle-looking despite his towering figure. She cursed those wretched eyes because they made her think there would be no consequences to popping off.

Scottman69: They are brown.

Zobaby: Mine too.

Scottman69: Yours are blue.

Zoraida could not comprehend how she made such a rookie mistake. Zo's eyes were brown but Clare's eyes were blue.

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