chapter 10

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it was a silent ride in the car where andrew drove and ashley on the passenger seat while i sat in the backseat. the tension was intense with no words spoken after the locket case had been revealed and just got into the car and hit the road and i have no fucking idea where they heading now. i grip the locket tightly in my hands but they become wet slightly and it just means that i'm so sweating and anxious, so fucking anxious

"what? are you mute now? didn't know our little sister has a disability" ashley scoffed slightly without turning her head to see me since she knew they already pressing me to the limits of getting closer to knowing the truth about me. andrew was still quiet and i couldn't form any words to get ashley back. after a while moment, i asked "... what's your guy's next move?" ashley looked back at me from her seat

"noneee of your fucking business, n/n!!" ashley mocked me and my expression was just blank. "no wonder why you're always such a dumbass big sister... you guys took me on your 'fun' trip so at least i get to know where the fuck we're going" i talked back to her and then she start to turn her body back to face me as she hold onto the headrest. "you better be grateful, you fucking bitch! that we did take you with us and didn't try to rip your fat body!"

my eyes shot up a dead glare at her and so she did too but we stopped when andrew sighed really like really loud. "we're going to get a fake id," he said bluntly and i looked back at ashley who cursed under her breath since our brother told me their next plan. ashely pouted, she looked at me back with that usual blank face of hers and rested her chin on the side of the headrest as she thought about something

"how about a game-"

"no. never. i would rather jump out of the car right now"

ashley glares at me, "i wasn't finished" she says and andrew sighed again because that's all he knows what to respond. she asked if any of us has a quarter and andrew reach for his pocket and gave it to her while driving. "sooo let's play head or tails, yeah?" ashley looked back at me with a smirk and i just roll over my eyes, "i didn't even agree to this" but she ignored my complaint and just started the game

she asked me heads or tails, i sighed and answered tails as i prepared to whatever stupid thing she decides with the statements. "if it's head... you need to shut your bitch ass and listen to your beloved siblings! and... if it's tails, you have to tell us your fucking problem with us" when i heard that, i began to snap at her by saying how that doesn't add up in the game but she's so stubborn as fuck, and start to flip the coin

fortunately for me, she didn't manage to flip it since ashley in her uncomfortable siting making it hard for her and she just ask me to do it. "i could just make it cheat, you know?" i take it from her hand and she just took out the gun as she snickers "oh what was that? cheat?" i didn't reply to her and tried to flip the coin while i hoped that we arrived at our destination right now so i didn't have to play along in this stupid game of hers

it landed on head which it gives a little reassuring or maybe not other than the second choice and i could see she was happy like... that happy when i saw her back then. with the flashback start to crept in, i sighed and try to shrugged it off until she spoke again with her dumbass mouth "alright then! since i'm your mistress so you better listen to me you bitch slave" i groan as i didn't like how ashley present me and told her to fuck off

"i'm not goooiinggg tooo! also, your first task is that you-" she got cut off by andrew as he told us that we arrived in a motel and ashley was pissed that he interupted her. "god... can we just go now or are you trying to die again if anyone start to notice us?" i start to collect the things he said, so maybe they've been here before and ashley just goes along with it even when she's annoyed with him

i realized that this place was also near close to the company art building where i sent my works and i decided to go see my supervisor later. both of them going to this alley which is something i won't ask about their whereabouts since they always have shitting ideas sometimes especially ashley and there this two guys by the door with robes as their guarding the door. 'just what do these two bozos are up to with these people...?' i sighed but i just followed their lead

"hey, it's me again... we were wondering if you guys can work us with some fake id's" andrew did the talk, looks like they run to this kind of people and i think i had some ideas to what kind of people they are, cultists of course. one of the guys in the robes agreed to help us with the task and it requires money for him. ashley and andrew had no problem with the budget they just had after robbing our parents so they willingly gave him but with their satisfaction in the amount of money

"okay... great... you guys deal with that... and... i'm going to go walk around to get some fresh air since i can't even breathe with you guys around" i said bluntly but ashley started to threaten me on how the both of them would just leave me here and i flipped her off. andrew interfered as he encouraged me to have time for myself and that we would meet at a nearby diner

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