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"Why did you want me to come to the skatepark so badly.. I told you I didn't want to see Miya", I said walking towards the park. It wasn't that far anymore as I saw Langa skating on the ramp already. "It's not about Miya", Reki replied as he walked in front, "we haven't really skated in a while and I wanted to show you something".

I raised an eyebrow at his remark but I continued following him. "Langa!", Reki suddenly shouted as he jogged forwards. I simply kept going forward in walking speed. "Did you bring it with you?", Reki suddenly asked as Langa slowly skated towards Reki. "I did", he said calmly. He stepped of his skateboard and put it under his arm. " Its next to the bench". "What are you guys talking about?", I asked coming closer. They suddenly turned around and walked towards the bench. Reki picked something up and turned around towards me with a big smile. "We got you a new board!", he said holding it out in front of him.

My eyes widened at the sight. "You got me a what?", I said looking at the skateboard in Reki's hands. "You didn't have a skateboard with you when you came to live with us. I thought we'd make you a new one", Reki said proudly. A smile appeared on my face as I took the board out of his hands. "I love it", I said looking at it. "Did you really make this for me?". "Hell yeah! Now you can skate with us again!", Reki said. "Thank you", I said instantly giving him a hug. I let go and turned towards Langa. "You helped him?", I asked to which he nodded. I walked towards Langa and gave him a hug too. He was kinda caught by surprise, but I didn't care. "Thank you so much", I said letting go of Langa. "Go try it out", Reki said.

I put the skateboard on the ground and immidiately made my way towards the ramp.

After doing a few tricks and going up and down the ramp, I went back to Reki and Langa. "Its amazing! I never thought I would get anotherone. I.. don't really know what happened to my other one.. how did you make this?!",

"Don't worry about it. Its yours now. Now you can join us whenever we go to the skate park. And I made it with the help of Langa, and the fact that I work in a skateshop helps a lot".

A smile appeared on my head as I shook my head from elft to right. Always Reki with his caring and stuff..

"Should we skate then?", I asked looking at them. "Yeah lets go!", Reki replied, but just as I wanted to step on, we noticed Miya coming from afar.

He was wearing regular black jeans with a white t-shirt, a necklace and some sort of cat ears as headphones.. my heart started racing again but..

I looked doubtingly at Reki and slowly shook my head almost in fear. "You'll do fine", Reki mouthed before turning towards Miya. "Welcome", he said towards Miya who took of his headphones.

"What are you guys up to", Miya said as he came closer. He stepped of his skateboard, but let it sit on the ground with his foot on top of it.

"Nice board", Miya suddenly said towards me so nonchalantly. I suddenly tought back of yesterday and.. I just didn't want to talk to him right now. "Lets skate", I said towards Reki and Langa. I put the board on the ground and made my way towards the ramp. Within a few seconds, I was making my way up and down the ramp. I wasn't doing any tricks cause I was lost in my thoughts. I saw the three of them talking.

It didn't take long for them to join me. Reki got on the Ramp with me as Miya took his place on top of it with his board next to him. Langa was waiting for there to be more room on the ramp. Everytime I passed the middle of the ramp, so did Reki. He stuck out his hand for me for give him a high five everytime we past eachother.

I was a weird feeling..

Everytime I went towards Reki, I saw someone that really cares about me, and then when I went Miya's way, it was like I didn't even exist.

He suddenly looked at me from the corner of his eyes. It all happened in a second, but it was like everything around me dissapeared. Which wasn't a good thing at this time. "Hunter!", I suddenly heard Reki shout as I went face first into him.

"Whoa!", I heard Reki shout as he tried to catch me as wel fell. "Ahh that hurts..", I said as I grabbed my chest in pain. "You do have to watch where you're Reki Reki said while laughing.

"Yeah, my bad. Sorry", I said while also laughing. I looked at Miya who was also chuckling at the situation, but as soon as I looked at him, my smile dissapeared.

"I'm gonna take a short break. Langa, it's your turn!", I said standing up. I stuck out my hand towards Reki and I helped him up. Reki looked at me and gave me a small smile. But.. it was different this time.. we looked st eachother for longer then we should've had. A smile appeared on my face as well. I noticed Muya looking at us from the corner of my eyes. My eyes suddenly diverted towards his, and my smile change to a neutral look. I took my skateboard and walked towards the other end of the ramp of where Miya was sitting, and sat down.

Langa took his spot on the ramp, and skated up and down now with Reki.

The moment I sat down, I noticed Miya looking at me. But this time with a more surprised look on his face? Maybe a bit worried? I couldn't really tel.. but I made sure to look away.

"Nah", Miya suddenly said as he stood up. He stood back on his scateboard and went down the ramp coming my way.

My eyes widened as I noticed he was planning on taking a seat next to me..

Sk8 The Infinity: Begin Again (Miya Chinen X Male Reader Oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora