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The world was ruled by 3 great kings who were named after the 3 Olympian gods ZEUS,POSIEDON,HELIOS . Their territories were equally distributed. In this world certain people had unique and strange abilities due to a meteor crash which spread radiation across the globe.

Yoru"s village was a part of Helios"s territory. He was the son of a rich and well known merchant . There was a myth in the village. They believed that golden eyes are the sign of havoc and destruction. Unfortunately Yoru was born with golden bright eyes for which he was bullied. He had the ability to read minds(telepathic), he could listen all of the villagers bad intentions towards him.
Yoru's pov

Ahh... it's the boy with devil eyes, don't go near that boy, banish him! 

All i hear are these words which deeply cut my soul. It isn't  my mistake to be born this way is it?

It took me a while to realize that i had telepathic abilities. 

It was creepy at first but i got used to it . Sounds amazing right? Not at all tbh , but with this ability i can understand the darkness within the people souls .

It doesn't matter since i have loving parents .

 One day he came early from his katana training sessions and over heard his parents conversation

Honey..... it's about time we deal with our demon child. Yes dear i will get rid of him soon , i have already prepared a plan . I know it's tough but we must do whatever it takes to restore our family's honour...
Yoru's pov 

What ?? My parents hate me? and want me dead?!! I must runaway and leave this village ...... the forest is the best place to hide for now.

All the little boy had was his katana and a broken heart . After overhearing his parent's true intentions . He had no choice but to leave his village.

The boy starved for 3 days . When he was on the verge of giving up hope , he observed a grasshopper getting eaten by a frog , the frog getting eaten by a snake and the snake getting mauled by an eagle. He realised the cruel way of life.....  THE STRONG ONES SURVIVE AND THE WEAK ONES PERISH.......

SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST by Darwin fascinated him. From that moment on he started training , alone in the forest .

12 years later.................

As usual Yoru has finished his daily katana training sessions . He was sitting at his ideal resting spot which is rock located in the heart of the forest. Usually no one dares to come  to the centre of the forest .

Yet that day Yoru heard a loud scream.

Yoru's pov

What ! A scream! No one dares to enter the forest of doom . Now I'm 18 I'm sure i can handle some ruckus.

Then he heard rustling in the bushes and then came a young lady. She was surrounded by elves who are rare species, often kept as show pieces in a flamboyant kingdom.

They were being chased by the imperial army of Helios!!!

Usually the imperial army is not seen often as the soldiers are highly skilled and are only used in devastating wars. So, why did king helios order the army to chase after a young woman and a bunch of elves?

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