Chapter 5: A Palace And A Story

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The Midday Palace was kind of weird. Half of the palace was black and the side pillar had a crescent moon-shaped room at the top. The windows on the side were the same shape. The other side was yellow and the side pillar had a circle-shaped room at the top. The windows were also circular. The top pillar had one side crescent moon that connected to a circular side. There were huge windows on either side with two big lights inside. The palace was huge.

"The Midday Palace and the Midday Village were built recently. There's a story on it. Come on. The librarian knows the story best." Saturn informed.

We followed Saturn into the palace. We walked into a room with bookshelves, each one stacked with books. The library was beautiful. At the end of the room was a desk with a navy blue Starwing behind it. She had a pair of glasses and was reading a book on faraway continents.

"Hi, Minerva. This is my sister Minerva. She didn't want to be queen so Mother made her librarian."

"Knowledge is important too. Who are these dragons?''

"The big one is Blaire, the blue one is Eucalyptus and the dragonet is Cactus.''

"A Rainwing, a Sandwing and a... what are you? You look like a Skywing but you have traits from other tribes. Oh...You're an Allwing, aren't you? Are you also an animus? Your scales radiate power."

"Uh, yes, but how did you know what kind of dragons we are?"

She pointed at her book.

"I found it buried in the very back of the library in the Castle Of Night. It also has information about the dragons on Pantala and Poisana."


"You'll learn about that later I presume."

"Oh, ok then. I'm Princess Blaire of the Skywings, then."

"You didn't tell us you were a princess." hissed Pluto.

"I forgot," I said with a shrug. "I'm well known and not many dragons care."

"Cool. Well, they need to hear Kindoms Divided." Saturn told Minerva.

"Ah, yes. That story. Very well.

"4,000 years ago a new dragon mysteriously appeared on Prantasia. Back then there was only the Starwings. The newcomer was a Skywing named Crimson. Princess Crimson of the Skywings. She said she had left her continent to find a new home. She married the king of the Starwings, King Unranos. They had many children, they called them Sunwings, as well as a few Starwings. Soon Queen Crimson had to leave and return to her homeland. When she left, King Uranos shunned his Sunwing children.

"His eldest daughter, Mercury, became Queen of the Sunwings. They split Prantasia in half, one half belonging to the Starwings and the other, to the Sunwings. Starwings and Sunwings weren't allowed to be together. That is... until 22 years ago.

"Princess Sun became Queen of the Sunwings and Princess Moon became Queen of the Starwings. They used to sneak out to play with each other when they were little. They decided to build the Midday Palace and Midday Village. There Sunwings and Starwings could live together in peace. What they didn't know was that there already was a village like that. The Dragon Tooth Village. So now there are two villages where Sunwings and Starwings can live in peace." She stopped talking abruptly.

"Sooo...that's the Kindoms Divided story?" asked Eucalyptus.

"Yep," answered Saturn.

"Come," said Jupiter as she walked out of the library. "My mother is in the throne room."

We followed her out of the library and down the hall to a bigger room. There were huge windows on either side of the room and two huge thrones. The thrones were each different colors, one was bright yellow, the other, purple. On the top of the yellow one was a Sun, the purple had a moon. On the yellow throne was a huge Sunwing. She was about to the middle of my neck. She was gold and was sorta glowing. She had on a silver crown that looked a lot like a dragon tooth. It had a beautiful crimson-colored jewel in the center. By the window was a Starwing that was the same size as the Sunwing. She was Silver and was also sorta glowing. Her crown was gold in the same shape with the same jewel. Jupiter walked over to the yellow throne and bowed.

"Mother," she said.

"Daughter," replied the Sunwing. They both began to giggle and I could tell that they had a close bond. I wish that I had gotten a chance to have that kinda bond with my mother, but my Mother (Queen Scarlet) gave me away when I was three and she was pretty evil. She was killed by Ruby so that Ruby could become Queen, and I am glad she's dead. I miss her sometimes, but it's very rare.

"Mother, Queen Moon, this is Eucalyptus of the Rainwings and Princess Blaire of the Allwings."

"Skywings." I corrected.

"Um...yes, sorry. Princess Blaire of the Skywings. This is Queen Sun of the Sunwings and Queen Moon of the Starwings."

"Ahh... yes. Minerva told me about your content and the dragons there," said Queen Moon as she got on her throne.

"Why are you here?" asked Queen Sun.

"We are responding to a prophecy. There is a great evil here, and we feel we are the ones to defeat it."

"Please tell us the prophecy," Queen Moon said.

"I actually sing prophecies. It's a strange thing, but it is what I do.

"When A War Breaks Out Among Those Of One Tribe, Two Will Go And Quickly Strive To End This Crazy War, But They Will Have To Travel Far. Meet New Dragons Never Seen Before, Find Lost Secrets, And Even More. When They've Completed All Of This, The War May Ciest Exist."

"That is very cryptic," Queen Sun said.

"I think cryptic is the definition of prophecies," I said warily.

"I understand. You must defeat the evil to save the world. DUH!" said Saturn.

"We need to find clues. We believe it's connected to Queen Crimson." Said Eucalyptus.

"I guess you could check her old palace. Saturn and Jupiter will take you there."
"What about me?!" whined Pluto.

"You are gonna stay in now," said Queen Sun.


"With all due respect your majesties, but shouldn't I go with them?" asked Mars.

"They can take care of themselves. Besides, they clearly have a powerful dragon to protect them," Queen Moon replied as she waved a claw at me.

"Two! I have face-melting venom!"

"She is very powerful when she wants to use her venom," I said with a shrug.

The queens nodded before waving us out of the room.

"Follow me!!!" said Saturn as she jumped ahead. We followed and Eucalyptus caught up to her and they chatted as we walked to the Old Crimson Palace.

We landed in front of an ancient castle that was slowly falling apart. It was kept together well enough that other dragons could walk around and explore the old thing. I walked in, ducking so I wouldn't hit my head on the old debris.

As I walked in, I saw beautiful old tapestries. I saw one of the beautiful landscapes of the Sky Kingdom. Another was of a Skywing and a Starwing, looking down at two young dragonets, one a Sunwing, the other a Starwing. But the one that caught my attention the most was of a tapestry with Queen Crimson on one side and Queen Rose on the other. In between the smiling Skywings, was an Allwing.

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