Chapter 3: The New World

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Chaos. Chaos inside the castle and out. Chaos in my head, Moons, and every other dragon around me.

Lots of dragons were shouting questions like, 'WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!' and 'WHAT NEW DRAGONS?!' also 'WAR?! WHAT WAR?!'.

I shot fire out of my mouth again and everyone quieted. Except one, who was shouting in his head. I turned to one of the soldiers.

"Stop screaming. It hurts my head, even when I try to block it out, and it will definitely hurt Moon's. Besides, your thoughts shouldn't be that loud."

His mind stopped buzzing and he looked at me.

"I will figure out the prophecy, ok? I will be one of the two dragons to travel far. I know who the second dragon will be. The war is probably this fight. I will figure out the truth about Crimson and Rose. Now go!"

The dragons started to fly away. I flew toward Ruby who was running over to Peril and Cliff. As I landed Peril moved aside and Cliff ran to Ruby.

"Oh Cliff, are you ok?!"
Cliff nodded before burrowing into Ruby.

"Thank you, Peril, for protecting him."

"Ruby, I need to go to the Rainforest. I know who the other dragon in the prophecy is. I'm going to get her before heading to the new world. Hopefully, we'll be back before the world ends, or I guess in this case, the Sky Kingdom. "

Ruby raised her eyebrows as I mentioned the Rainforest.

"You think it's Eucalyptus, don't you?"

I smiled before nodding. She shook her head with a small smile.

"Boy are you gonna have an adventure."

"Why do you hate on her?! She's a good dragon!"

"She is, but she can be very....excitable."

"So is Kinkajou," I said with a shrug.


I hit her with my wing before flying off in the direction of the Rainforest.


I landed on the floor of Queen Glory's hut. Queen Glory is Queen of both Nightwings and Rainwings. She was raised with me under the mountain.

"Hey Glory, I need to..."

"Grab Eucalyptus for the prophecy." Glory finished for me.

"How'd you know?"

"Moon came and told me about the prophecy a little while ago. I guessed that you would want one of your best friends with you. It just makes sense. Besides, I've had my share of saving the world."

"I helped," said King Deathbringer, stepping out from behind Glory. She rolled her eyes but I saw her twine her tail around his.

"MAMA! TOUCAN IS YELLING AT ME!" a small dragonet ran into the Hutt and skidded across the floor. Princess Mango's beautiful scales slid by and I reached my claw out to grab her. She giggled as my massive talon smothered her body.

"Mango, do you know where Eucalyptus is?" Glory asked her daughter.

"She's playing with Peacemaker at the river. BUT TOUCAN IS YELLING AT ME!"
I thanked her and flew off.

I did see Eucalyptus playing with Peacemaker by the river. I landed and Peacemaker ran over to me. He grabbed onto my leg and tried to wrap his tiny forearms around my leg.

"Hello. I found mango! And sticky fruit."

"Peacemaker, most fruits are sticky."
"This one was very sticky. Like really really sticky!"

I laughed as he walked back to his fruit. Eucalyptus ran over to me.

"Hi. Do you want to go to a whole other continent to stop an approaching Skywing war?!"

She nodded enthusiastically without any questions. That's Eucalyptus for you. She then reached behind my neck. She held out her claw and in her talon was Cactus!

"How did she even get on my neck?!" She shrugged.

"Oh. Snow. I remember feeling cold talons on my neck before I left. Snow must've slipped her behind my neck when I was talking to Ruby.

"I guess she's coming," I said. I looked around and pulled some vines down from a tree. I formed the vines into a sling and set Cactus in it before flying off.


Eucalyptus, Cactus, and I had been flying for days only to stop a couple of times on small islands. Well, that is, me and Eucalyptus had been doing all the flying. Cactus was nestled safely in her sling. I looked ahead to try and calculate how much more we needed to go.

I saw a little bit of land. As I approached Mountains started to appear.

I smiled. We had seen many small islands for days, but none as big as this. This had to be the New World.

"We will be there in two minutes," I said, turning my head back to Eucalyptus before looking back.

We had found it. We had found the New World!       

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