Chapter 2: Attack On The Palace

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"Maybe we can pour water on her?"

"Of course not! Her scales are at a heat of at least 180 degrees! The spell keeps her from burning us, but she can still burn other things! The water will only evaporate."
"I have no idea what you just said."


I heard the urgency in the voice and opened my eyes. Snow was standing over me trying to shake me awake. Flake and Scar were arguing, as usual.


"The palace is under attack! It's more Skywings! A lot of Skywings! Aunt Ruby has half the army fighting!"


"The other half is still recovering from the last battle," she said, referring to a battle against a mind-controlled Rainwing. Flare freed her from the mind control, but she hurt a lot of our guards.

I shook my head before handing Cactus to Snow.

"Stay here. All of you." I flew out the window and into the battle. I recognized a ton of dragons.

In the corner, I saw Peril. Her wings were spread out and flames were rising from her burning scales. Behind her, I saw Cliff, Ruby's son with a terrified expression. Now and then Peril would jump forward, burning the closest Skywing that wasn't in armor that signified they were soldiers.

I saw Moonwatcher, a Nightwing, trying to fight two Skywings that weren't soldiers. Moon had come to hang out with Pearl and I guess she got stuck helping us fight. Ruby was fighting one Skywing who looked like she was leading the attack.

Before I could figure out what was happening, Blizzard rammed into the ground on top of a Skywing. He shot frostbreath out of his mouth onto the dragon's face before hopping over to me.

"We could really use some magic right now."

"It's not working, remember?"

Animus magic had stopped working for all dragons.

He nodded and flew off.

I saw a Mudwing tackle two Skywings before looking up at me. Vermin smiled at the sight of me and then nodded toward a small cluster of Skywings.

I glanced over and saw that the Skywings were surrounding Pearl. I swooped over to help.

A lot of the Skywings started shouting threats at us and I was able to burn them.

Even through the chaos I heard Pearl shouting.


I nodded. She was referring to when I was under the mountain.

One of my guardians, Kestrel, had taught me something that would always get the dragon's attention. It was really funny to learn because it involves my firescales and Kestrel doesn't have firescales. She kept saying, 'Pretend I am lighting up my scales, STOP LAUGHING! I AM TRYING TO TEACH YOU SOMETHING!" She always had a very rude sassy attitude. Her kind side rarely came out, and it was only ever to me or Sunny.

I flew up in the air, lighting up all my scales. A huge flame of fire shot out of my mouth.

"STOP!!!" I shouted as loud as I could.

All the dragons looked at me. The one fighting Ruby glared at me. I turned toward her and beckoned her over with my claw. She came with the biggest glare I had ever seen.

"Why are you fighting?!"

"For the true queen!"

I didn't ask who you are fighting for. I thought.

"What true queen?!''

"Queen Rose!"

"You mean Lady Rose."

"NO! QUEEN ROSE! She is one of my ancestors! I am here for the throne! But I do have a story to tell."

I rolled my eyes. Really? A story?! You're trying to dethrone the Queen Of The Skywings, but no! Let's all stop for storytime! I thought sarcastically. I saw Moon trying not to laugh.

"4,000 years ago the Queen was NOT Queen Crimson! The Queen was Queen Rose! Crimson was her best friend! They weren't even related! And yet, Crimson overthrew her best friend and became Queen. She didn't want her friend to die and made her second in command and changed her name to Lady Rose!"

"Why?!" Flare asked, flywing forward.

"That's what we want to know!"

I opened my mouth to say something but instead, images flashed through my mind. Images of strange black and yellow dragons. They weren't Hivewings. These dragons were individual dragons. Images of a whole nother content. And last, images of Queen Crimson standing next to (who apparently was also Queen) Queen Rose, both of them smiling. I had been seeing those two dragons but only now knew who they were.

I heard Moon's voice but it was more...eerie. Her prophecy voice. Me and Flare started singing the same words in the same tone. Our prophecy voice. All three of us had white eyes.

"When A War Breaks Out Among Those Of One Tribe, Two Will Go And Quickly Strive To End This Crazy War, But They Will Have To Travel Far. Meet New Dragons Never Seen Before, Find Lost Secrets, And Even More. When They've Completed All Of This, The War May No Longer Exist."

All our eyes turned back to normal.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Screeched the dragon next to me. I turned to Moon.

"That was a prophecy."

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