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Speedily Roach gallops back to the Red Keep, Geralt instantly could feel a pang in his heart, like someone was calling him for their rescue.

His stomach knots and his head felt as if he was going to explode. His father was already leagues ahead of him and the streets had too many people, obstacles were blocking him only slowing him down.

Glancing at the houses, the streets, arbors, shops, alleys, rooftops , alleyways and buildings Geralt was determined to reach his step mother.

"Get out of my way!" He screamed as people were making way for him running zigzag.

"Get out! Move!" He continued, until he found an easy passage leading up to the Red Keep.

"No..... Mother. Hold on! I'm coming! " He whispers, panting as a tear fell down his cheek.

He gripped his saddled tightened, hitting his horse to run faster.

"Ya!.....Ya!.......Ya! C'mon Roach!"

The horse neighs in fury, racing to the Red Keep with speed as the streets went scrambling in disaster.

Time passes in a vacuum, Viserys began crying as he Aemma's hands slip from his grasp. "I-im sorry Aemma." He wept with regret, cradling to her corpse.

Until the faint wail of a newborn shatters the quiet silence. The king lifts his head to see the midwives wrapping the baby into swaddling. 

"Congratulations, Your Grace. You have a son." Mellos declares.

"My dream was right." Viserys thought.

"It’s a boy?" The king looks up at the Grand Maester almost in disbelief. 

The Grand Maester forces on a happy mask as he passes the bundle to the king. "A new heir, Your Grace. Had you and the queen chosen a name?"

The king stares down at the squalling baby boy, trying to process it.

"A male heir; just as I dreamed it." He thought.

"Baelon." Viserys turned away to stare at his wife lifeless body, the sacrifice he had just made over a prophetic dream, was it worth it?

What should be a happy moment instead plays like a cruel jape from the gods: King Viserys has the male heir that he dreamed of, but he was born at the expense of the Queen's life.

If Geralt were to find out..... Suddenly footsteps harshly recedes outside.

"Mother!" Geralt pushed the doors open. Mellos, Lady Jocelyn, the wet nurses and the other handmaids all turn to see the Witcher.

"Mother?" Geralt widened his eyes in shock and horror, he walks further into the room as his pupils dilated, searching their faces. He hears a baby crying in Mellos arms and drifts his gaze to the bed.

Judging by the ambiance of the room, he arrived too late. One pace at a time he approaches the bed to see his mother all covered in blood, the bed was soaked with blood profusely, even dripping down the white sheets.

"M-mother?" He calls, hoping she was alive but Aeema never answered him, instead Baelon kept wailing as Mellos pampers him gently.

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