Season 2 : A twisted path

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The deathly silence pressing down as Cayena strode through gate of the palace. All maids and servants had wisely evacuated.

She gets off from her horse, noticing the blood of the orge coating her cheek as wipe her cheeks with her palm to look more presentablw infront of her father. She heads toward the palace with her cloak dragged out behind.

She walked by the halls across the polished marble with each click of her heels.

The towering double doors to the throne room wide open for her. Within, the flickering of braziers was the lone movement in the gloom. Seated upon the throne was her father, Claude, observing her approach with a hooded gaze.

Halting before the throne, Cayena tilted her head questioningly. "Why do you call for me father ?".

She felt that her father looked alot stranger than before but again he is always gloomy. She couldn't get rid of the unpleasant feeling.

He rose from the throne, cayena loosened her grip of her sword as he approached and pulled her into an embrace.

"My daughter , you have done so well defending our home," he said softly, smoothing her hair with an atypical tenderness. "I could not be prouder of the knight and empress you will become."

Cayena smiles back returning the hug. "It is simply my duty to protect our people, Father. I will not let any threat to our empire go unanswered."

A cruel smile twisted Claude's stolen face as he pulled Cayena close. She felt a sharp pain below, a blade was driven through her belly.

"You have served me so well cayena " he laughed, his jewel blue eyes turning red looking down at cayena. It wasn't her father, It was Aeternista.

Cayena coughed, staggering back with a hand pressed to the injury as blood seeped between her fingers as she ripped the sword out.

Aeternitas threw back his borrowed head and laughed wildly. "At last I wield a vessel worthy of my might! With this power even your pet wizard can't stand in my way."

Cayena laughs standing up with the help of hee sword glaring at aeternitas.

"For all your stolen might, you're no less a worm than before, Aeternitas," she mocked him "Must you depend on others, too feeble of spirit to stand on your own?"

Aeternitas' stolen face twisted with rage at Cayena's taunting words. With a roar, he unleashed a torrent of black magic from Claude's body, seeking to end the little princess.

Yet even wounded, Cayena moved with her enchanted sword flared, conjuring a shimmering barrier to block the black magic.

With death in her eyes Cayena slammed her remaining strength to charge toward aeternitas. She knew she wasn't strong enough to win against him but how can she see her lovely father being painted as a tyrant again.

Aeternitas sneered and met her weapon blow for blow, empowered by Claude's stolen power. Sparks flew as magic and steel collided, yet Cayena fought with a bitter smile in her lips.

She wonders if she wasn't born into this world everything could be better. She is tired of trying and trying only to fall back down.

Cayena slammed against the cold stone, agony shooting through her wounded body from Aeternitas' brutal attack. She collapsed amidst a spreading pool of her own blood.

" I hate this .. " she mumbles softly, one bloody hand clawing uselessly at the floor. Through blurring vision she watched Aeternita's approach, She thought maybe she could create her own story for once.

A cruel laugh echoed from stolen lips. "It's truly a shame ! Princess if only you were a little bit stronger. You could have saved everyone "

Dark magic gathered, poised to annihilate her at last. Cayena clunched her fist tightening her grip against her sword. It's always only if. She tried everything she could. She trained everyday knowing she will have to fight a battle. She sacrificed her whole childhood for this very moment but she still wasn't strong enough to save her family.

Maybe this is for the better. She thought to herself if she wasn't born, it would have been better. Sorry father for being such a useless daughter.

As Aeternitas' dark magic coalesced to end her, Cayena embraced oblivion's long-awaited embrace. Through the encroaching shadows, a new light bloomed - one she had long thought extinguished.

Golden hair and diamond blue eyes smiling down through tears of her own, strong hands cradling her broken form. " Your majesty.." she breathed in disbelief and sorrow.

Anastacius' gazed upon his daughter with sorrow hoping one day she too will call him father. He wanted to say so many things to her but he didn't know how to say it. He could only say  " I am sorry "

Cayena eyes widened as tears under her jewel blue eyes. She was a child who never shed any tears with walls built up so high but now she was just a child who was hurt.

She wept unrestrained into his chest. All the anguish, fear and loneliness of her heavy burdens came pouring out at last.

Anastacius' heart broke anew at the broken sobs of his beloved firstborn. He had hoped to shelter her forever from the harshest cruelties of the world, yet failing that had only multiplied her suffering.

"Shh, my little princess " he whispered, stroking Cayena's silken hair and rubbing her back gently. " I will bring back Claude to you after all he is my beloved brother too "

Cayena nods wiping her tears, Anastacius hold her as he use sleeping spell to put her to sleep so that he could shelter her from the pain. He pat's her head noticing the wounds.

" Such a heart warming scene !! The long lost father here to save his daughter ~ " Aeternitas laughs glacing at them both. 

Anastacius stood up shielding his sleeping daughter body. His eyes meet with aeternitas who was now in his beloved brother body using him like puppet.

" Can't you see ? This is what we dreamed for !! You get your throne back from your daughter and bonus points! You get to keep your beloved daughter and i get to be the strongest " Aeternitas explains smiling while walking toward anastacius with an open arm.

" Remember your daughter won't even bet an eye toward you if claude returns back ~ he will take your daughter just like how he look your throne ~ "

( Author note : As much as i wanted to be a cayena to be a bad ass and beat the shit out of aeternitas but lets be real. She is a 19 year old child and that mf is 5000+ or more and it also gives Anastacius a chance to amend his mistakes. So i choose this path. It took me a while to think about the ending so please don't hate... Two more ep and its over ✌️ )

 Two more ep and its over ✌️ )

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